Friday, January 27, 2012

Just some things.

-Why don't we have more specific terms for in-laws? Like, I could say, "My brother-in-law is so boss," and there is nothing to specify whether I am talking about my sister's husband (hey Blair! Also, happy birthday!), Chris's brother (hey Ryan!), or Chris's sister's husband (hey Kenny!). What is the deal with that? I mean, we can put a man on the moon, but we don't have specific differentiations for the types of brothers-in-law? That just doesn't sit right with me.

-Speaking of words, do you ever just get a word stuck in your head? This morning I just keep thinking, "recalcitrant," over and over. I'm not even entirely sure what it means. I think it means to be obstinate. Hold on, I will look it up. According to Google: Having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority.. Boo ya. Not that you'll ever really know that I didn't look it up first. But trust me, ok? I didn't.

-My Glee Pandora station is embarrassing and wonderful all at the same time. I don't really know what to think about it a lot of the time. But speaking of Glee, does anyone still care about that show? I used to like it, but then I just didn't. I feel like they were always trying to make me care about all those people much more than I actually do.

-I think we might finally get to use our snowshoes this weekend! I'm way excited. I am also pretty sure that the reason we've had such a snowless winter is just Murphy's Law, mocking Chris and I for buying snowshoes. 

-I'm back on the weight loss train. I think it's the Heber Creeper though, because the progress has not been too exciting. I've been using to track my calories and stuff, and it really is so helpful. And it feels so good to be working out hard, instead of just halfheartedly hopping on the elliptical and stuff. I am planning on running the Thanksgiving Point half marathon on April 28th. Anyone want to join me? You've still got a solid 3 months to prepare! I'm excited about keeping up my tradition of doing one half marathon every year since 2009. Maybe I will also keep up the tradition of talking about doing a second one while I'm in training, then deciding not to after I actually do the first race and remember how much it hurts.

-Is there anything better than wandering around Target with your friends? I kind of don't think that there is. I didn't even buy anything, we just wandered around and chatted. It's very therapeutic. I suggest to all of you that next time you need a little pick me up, you call your friends and let them know you're going to pick them up and go to Target. You will not be disappointed, I promise.


M.C. Sommers said...

I second your feelings on the in-law terms and Target. I can spend hours in Target and therapeutic is the perfect word for it. Although, it's usually a little difficult for me to leave without buying anything. :)

krebscout said...

It's called a lexical gap, and I know, totes annoying.

deb said...

I just really like that you bought snow shoes. Snowshoes. Obviously I don't snow shoe/snowshoe. Is the verb snowshoe? Take shoes in the snow. Hmmm. I think it is bedtime. Bed time? Bedtime.

Cierra said...

i hate that in-law thing too. whenever someone mentions their so and so-in law i always kinda stop listening to the rest of what they are saying because i am trying to figure out which sister-in-law or brother-in-law they are talking about.

Clancy and Katie Black said...

oh man i love your blog. gave me some good laughs! And yes the in-law thing is so dang annoying!