Sunday, January 22, 2012


Last week Chris and I celebrated our fourth anniversary. If that makes you think that we are super old and probably experts in the ways of love, you are right about both things. We are totally experts. And also old. It simultaneously feels like we just got married a month ago, and like we've been married forever.

To commemorate the occasion, we spent a night up in Heber and Midway. When we hatched this plan we figured we would go snowshoeing, but, as many of you know, this has been the least wintery winter Utah has ever seen, so the only snow up there was the fake stuff on the tubing hill at Soldier Hollow. We stopped by to see if they would let us tromp up and down the run, but surprisingly they said no! (We didn't really do that.) So no snowshoeing was the bad news, but the good news is that we got to go ice skating! It was so fun, neither of us had been since we were dating, which, as you may have deduced from this being our 4th anniversary, was a few years ago. It was far and away the warmest ice skating I've ever done. I kept taking off layers. The other bad news of the weekend, aside from the snowlessness, was that I forgot my camera. Luckily Chris had his ipod, which I think takes about the same caliber of pictures as our camera, so it was actually a win win situation.

That hat got abandoned pretty quickly. I knew it wouldn't be necessary, but it's just so fun to feel bundled up when you ice skate!

Check that sunniness out. It was probably 55 degrees. It was awesome.
Also awesome--blue plastic ice skates.

We followed ice skating with some dinner at Cafe Galleria. We had found this place a year ago when we came to Midway and went to the ice castles, but we only got hot chocolate. We kept saying, "We need to go back there and actually get pizza," but never did until now. It was delicious. I had a pesto chicken deal, and Chris had something with sausage, and we were both very pleased.

I don't look very pleased here, but it's just a misguided attempt at a sassy face.
It is truly a delicious restaurant.

The only downside to Cafe Galleria is that they had no cake. Well, they had cheesecake on the menu, but they were out. And one of the rules of our anniversary is that we have to eat cake, and we have to take a picture holding up the number of years we've been married with our fingers. This obviously happened for the first time on our first one, when we ate our wedding cake and did "We're #1!" pictures. The point is, we had to go elsewhere for our cake. So we went to another restaurant, asked to see the dessert menu, and got the only cake available.

It was huge.

So we ate our cake (but only half of it, my gosh), and took our dorky 4 year pictures.

And just for fun, here are the previous three:

And Number Five will be here before we know it!


Unknown said...

what are you going to do when you run out of fingers? Will year forty have both of your fingers and toes? I hope so. I look forward to that in 36 years, assuming you have the same blog then, also assuming that blogs will still be cool then too.

Unknown said...

also, happy anniversary! You guys got married right after Eli and I started dating. I went to your wedding reception but I didn't even know you. Weird! Congratulations though!

Unknown said...

I love your blog almost as much as I love you - which is a lot.

Sara said...

4 years! That's awesome. You're really pretty.

Lindsey said...

Happy Anniversary! I love the annual cake picture, best idea ever!


Erin said...

Cherie, you wouldn't believe how many times we've talked about this. Because after 10, it will have to be a group project. And after 20, we haven't decided. Toes? Bring our kids along for some extra fingers? Write it on our palms with a Sharpie? All of these have been discussed. The good news is we have a while to figure it out!

Heidi, thank you.

Sara, you made my day.

Linds, thanks. It was all Chris's idea.

Becca said...

CONGRATS! What a big day for you, so exciting! And also, I truly don't want this to come out wrong so please know that I have always thought of you as a beautiful and stylish and all of that good stuff. But comparing the last 4 years, I think you get more attractive in each one. now THATS a win win. most wives go DOWN hill after marriage! haha. Good ideas for a lil getaway perhaps we will copy you. <3 I don't know if that translates into a heart or not. so just in case, what I meant was "loves"

kate said...

Love the pic idea. And love even more that it was Chris' idea because it's a LITTLE bit of a girly thing (okay, not girly, just not something I would always expect from Christoph)

Kathleen said...

kind of wish I could steal your idea...but we are 5 years behind now. And we didn't even save our wedding cake for the first year. lame I know. Luckily our marriage rocks. Come to think of it...perhaps I will make a sign that says "our marriage rocks" and then we will hold that up for pictures :)

Kathleen said...

better yet maybe it should say "our marriage rocks your marriage" and then people can think we are vengeful and passionate... and maybe melodramatic as well.

Yolanda said...

You guys are just cute. Congratulations!