Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sometimes while running in the canyon

. . . I get this look from the longboarders that tells me they think I'm a sucker for using only my body to propel me on that path. They're so smug, with their wheels. But who's burning calories, you long-haired, smoking, daredevils? SUCKAS. I am. Not you.

The point is, I basically always enjoy my runs in the canyon, but yesterday I especially did. Not only did I apparently think a lot about longboarders, I also had a good time with a couple of girls in my ward. We have running group every Wednesday, and our numbers are usually sort of small, but it's always fun. And last night something was happening that I have never seen before.

That there is not a waterfall. Well, it turned into one, obviously, but it's really just water coming out of a pipe. And I think typically there's a little trickle coming out, but I have NEVER seen this happen. And apparently neither had anyone else, tons of people were stopping on the trail to gawk at it. We took it a step further and ran down that little path you see curving off to the left to go stand in the spray and feel the taste of fishy water on our tongues. It was a truly magical moment. And what luck--Sarah had her iPhone and snapped this pic, so we could remember it forever.  

I can't speak for anyone else, but for me, it was one of those moments where I was very impressed with the power of water. I tend to forget, since we manipulate it and create reservoirs and we turn on a faucet and it comes out. Even this waterfall was manmade, it was being pumped from somewhere, it runs through pipes in the canyon. But once it got out, that stuff had a mind of its own, man! There was this tree that was getting totally thrashed by it. And while I felt bad for the poor little guy, I couldn't help but be sort of awed by the water.

And then when we got to the bridge that's close to the parking lot, we ran really really fast and wore ourselves out right at the end. That's such a good feeling. I love getting home and feeling all worn out but somehow energized at the same time. Working out is so weird. Water is nuts. Longboarders think they own the place. My longboard got stolen from the church, or maybe I'd be there with them, who knows?


Kelly said...

I remember that from a couple years ago! its SO COOL!

Casey said...

Wow, I have NEVER seen that happen either!!! Totally know what you mean about the longboarders. And none of them wear shirts....ick. So, good thing yours got stolen. hahaha

Karyn said...

I love running too :)

Emily Richards said...

Why do your modes of transportation get stolen? That is rude. Luckily your legs are always with you.