Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Things that bother me, even though they shouldn't

  • People who talk about being "visual learners." People act like it's some sort of medical diagnosis they've received, and must decree at every opportunity. I used to work at a wedding invitation store, and often when helping a customer, they'd say, "Can I have a piece of paper to draw it? I'm just a really visual learner." I was not at all bothered by the request, but sometimes the term "visual learner" is thrown out there so proudly that it bugs me. And when do you hear people bragging about being audio learners, or maybe tactile learners, or olfactory learners? Any of those out there?

  • When I'm using something at my house, and I think, "Man, I really like this [item]." And I know it was a wedding gift, but I can't remember from whom. I remember who gave us lots of stuff, so when I can't, it really bothers me. Like maybe I'm not grateful enough, you know?

  • People whose blogs seem to be constructed around the idea of making their life/husband/babies/crafts/house/family/jobs/blog backgrounds/fake etsy shops seem way better than yours. Or people who do that in real life too.

  • When Pandora Internet Radio chooses a song that I feel is not a good fit for the station I'm on. For example: Sheryl Crow on my Norah Jones station. Sheryl Crow's bad-a attitude and her guitar do not mesh with Norah Jones's piano and such. Also, they seem to think Jack Johnson is universal. He shows up on my Norah Jones station AND my Beatles station AND my James Taylor station, and even my Feist station. Sick of it.

  • Spelling mistakes, especially ones that you learned in elementary school. "There coming over" is not correct, nor is "Your coming to the party, right?" (I made those up, but you get the idea.) Minor ones bother me too, and I KNOW it doesn't matter, but the other day I read something about "pedaling" items, as in selling them, which should be "peddling." And it doesn't matter, but I can't let myself not care. This could also be on a list called, "Things that really bother me about myself but I don't know how to change them."

  • People who refer to apostles like they're buddies from the football team. They should be referred to as Elder Ballard, President Eyring, etc. It really bothers me when people say things like, "Well, Holland used to be the president of BYU, and so did Oaks." Or "I heard Nelson is coming to devotional this month."

  • People who name their babies old lady/old man names and then act like they're all original and cool. Seriously, I feel like every baby name I've heard lately is Ruby or Olive or Tom or Jack. Don't get me wrong, I like the names, and I am supportive of naming your babies cute names like these, it's the attitude that gets me. I can't handle people acting like they were the first one to think of it. IT'S A TREND, YOU DIDN'T MAKE IT UP.

  • Urban Outfitters.

  • Little kids that whisper. You know, you ask them a question, and they look at you like you held a gun in their face, and then whisper something to their mom, and then the MOM answers you. That kills me. I understand if they're shy. (Actually, that is a lie. Shyness is completely befuddling to me, having not experienced it, but that is not the point.) The point is that if they're shy, too bad! Everyone has to talk to a stranger or a waitress or what have you at some point in their life. Don't handicap your kids by letting them not talk to anyone.

  • How expensive it is to live. I come home with a paycheck feeling like we can do anything, but then apparently we have all this stuff to pay for. Turns out gas and electricity and food and cell phones all cost money, who knew?

  • HUGE bows and flower headbands on babies. Like, the ones that are bigger than the baby's face. Those are so silly. And they make the baby look super ridiculous.

  • This blog thing: Dear Anthropologie, Why are all your clothes so cute? Maybe now you can lower the prices a little. Or Dear Winter, I am finished with you. Please go away. I don't know who started that, but it seems like I was reading it everywhere a few months ago.

  • When my bangs decide that they are trying out for Charlie's Angels without consulting me.

  • My restlessness to travel. Ok, so actually, that's not what bugs me. What bugs me is not having the funds for it.

  • When I go to the gym to run on the treadmill and realize Seinfeld is on, and the only open ones are too far away to see it or the TV thing doesn't work.

  • How much hesitation I have about posting this list in fear that someone might feel bad. Why am I so worried? It's not like I'm raving mad about anything, this is just supposed to be funny. But for some reason I am worried someone will think I am mean. So yes, I am putting a disclaimer at the bottom of a list of things that bug me, and the fact that I am doing it really bugs me.

(Also, if you have any doubt about my hesitation to post this, maybe this will sway you: I wrote most of it in August, added a couple more things every month or so, and am finally getting it out today. Please don't think I'm mean. Please?)


Foxyboxy said...

I really wish you could add a voice feature to your blog because, really, I'm more of an audio learner and feel you're catering more to the visual crowd.

Jodi said...

I love this. I wrote a post not long ago kind of like this but I didn't really put everything on there that bothers me because I didn't want people to think that I'm mean or bitter. Even though I am both of those.

The spelling one I totally agree with. The your/you're is the one that bothers me the most. The baby names thing drives me crazy too. It not only bothers me when they think they're being super original but I do have a hard time accepting it when people name their children ugly names. See? I told you I was mean. I just recently heard of TWO different people naming their daughters, get this, PERCIFFANY. And the treadmill not being in view of a tv thing is the reason I hate the gym.

Nickell said...

Erin I love you. That's all. And you know I'm not offended and I don't think you're mean, because you know my mom.

e.p. said...

Olfactory learning. Yes. It would be hilarious if someone had asked you for a piece of paper to chew while you were at the wedding invitation shop. "I need to taste the ink on the page and the dye on the paper for me to be able to make a decision about these invitations." If I ever get married, I might try that. :)

Becca said...

Dear Erin,
OMG you are SO mean!

haha JK. but I do have to say that a few of these DO apply to me. for example:

my blog is all about trying to make you wish you had my life, husband, children, and even my blog background.
I also love giant flowers on babies. don't be a hater, Erin. it's cute. and as a mom you get to dress your baby in whatever shiz outfit you want to and there isn't a thing they can do about it. i think that's actually what the whole big deal with the bows and flowers is all about. though I have to say, I'm having a hard time envisioning how large of a bow you are referring to - i'm such a visual learner - i have to see things to understand. it could be that i'm part deaf, but anyway...

never hesitate to post something. it's your blog. it's your life. and you know everyone wants it. ;o)

Andrea said...


JK, I am the queen of being bothered by thing that SHOULD NOT bother me, or anyone really. And I had a lot that I agreed with, but now I don't remember. The spelling thing is aweful. I remember being in hair school and there was a note that said, 'If you were suppost to be in class..." suppost! Really?

OH, I just remembered. The blog one about the great husband, cute kids, fake etsy shops....so true! I hate it, and I just want everyone to know: I make things and I have a cute kid, and I have a good life even though I'm not a 'photographer on the side' and take awesome pics of everything. That being said, I know that a couple people that read this blog (Nickell and others) are actually photographers, and they are good ones. But I hate that EVERYONE has a photo business on the side. You know?

Becca said...

oh and Andrea- I also hate that EVERYONE has a photo business on the side too. I'm no photographer like Nickell. She's a pro! But I tell you what - I didn't know that everyone and their dog was into photography. I didn't know it was like a "mom" thing to say you are a "photographer" too.So when I started getting into it, I was like hellz ya this is a great idea of mine! and then what? EVERYONE was doing it. I was a follower and didn't even know it. haha. so even though I tell people about my photography, I always cringe at the idea that they've heard the same thing from at least 25 other moms.

and also - I actually DO want to see what kind of stuff you make. :o)

Andrea said...

Erin, I wish that I were as brave as you, because I was just thinking that I want to make my own list, but I'm too afraid of people thinking I'm mean. But you did it, and I don't think you are mean, but I am going to add one.

blog titles that start with the same letter as the last name. Why does this have to happen. You know what I mean...Harris Headquarters, Mecklenburg Mania, that type of thing.

Oh, and another one...people that think they are famous, but they aren't really...example:everyone on Good Things Utah. I have such a passionate hate for GTU that I really think I will do my own blog post about it. They think they are so beautiful and that everyone wants to be like them and that everyone knows everything about them. Not true. I would hate myself if I ended up being like them. Case in point: the other day they talked for about 20 minutes about the natural colors of their hair. And a while ago they said something about the 200 anniversary of the NCAA and how there is a book about it, and Jordan was like "I want that" and turns out it was actually the NAACP! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!
also, rachael ray. She is NOT funny and NOT a celebrity. end of story.

Erin said...

Are you serious that they called the NAACP the NCAA?! That is amazing.

Becca, I love that you were all like hellz yeah! And also that you said that.

Emily, I'm really sorry I'm only using the written word. I will include more voice-overs in the future. I wasn't trying to be prejudiced.

Jodi, I cannot believe that Perciffany is a name. I CANNOT.

Nickell, your mom is my fave.

Yalelizard, that's my favorite new name for you. And you should also really try to LISTEN to the different fonts before you choose one. That doesn't work for everyone, but I'm a REALLY audio learner.

Q and Rachel said...

I love this... It made me realize that thera are a lot of things that bother me that I didn't realize until this point. Everything spoke to me. I imagined you saying this as you're ice skating on your hard wood floors. try it, it's amazing.

Brianna and Andrew said...

This is a great post Erin! Your so funny! Sorry, I couldn't help it, but you know what is bad? I kind of pride myself on finding typos in wedding announcements. They do exist...often. Oh, and also, I just have to let you know that my husband/family/blog are better than yours. Well, definately not my blog (although the adoption one is pretty good); you are so creative!

charlotte said...

Dear blog: Why do you have to be so demeaning about my life? I mean I know that you don't get that I'm a visual learner, and that's like totally fine, but why do you have to be jealous that I've been wanting to name my little girl Ruby like way before you? Also, you obviously don't get urban outfitters, so if you want to try and get it, then check out my blog about my crazy style. Ok? Your a jerk.

Suzana said...

just wait until you have a baby and people rilly close to you give you giant bow's and flower's to stick on you're babies head... it gets a bit akward... haha. did you catch my typo's? ;)

the.kim.peterson said...

You're not mean. You're just hilarious. Or should I say, your just hillarius. 

Tay said...

Tutus on babies. Some are ok. However, once it becomes so big that you're sifting through tulle just to find the poor child's head - you know you've gone too far.

How everybody seems to love Twilight. No offense to the lovers, but it's ridiculous that people get upset when I really don't like the "saga." It's ok people, I'm not upset that you don't love Dickens as much as I do.

And the happy-love-perfect blogs are so false. I am in love and happy, but I'm going to post about things that don't go right. Because that's life. Especially when I know one of them and can picture what's really going on.

I like this post. You say what most people are thinking.

Kathleen said...

I agree on the gym thing. I HATE that. Especially when I forget my Ipod but not the headphones, so my only option is to watch whatever lame hispanic telenovela that is on in front of me. Be nice to people who forgot how to spell when spell check was invented...I am one of them :) but I know you love me.

Cierra said...


Cierra said...

just playing. i love you. i hope you love me and that i don't bother you even though i shouldn't.

ynny said...

Urban outfitters, not having money to travel, and being afraid to post snarky things once in a while: amen, sister. Amen.

My addition: pseudo-intellectual Americans who close their emails with "Cheers." WHO ARE YOU KIDDING????? Seriously. Just stop.

Erin said...

Linds, I LOVE that you hate Cheers. That's why I often say that to you in emails, because I love that you hate it.

Also, I never really noticed it before you pointed it out, but now I hate it too. Emails from Mark Magleby became less funny after you opened my eyes.

Kiley said...

I actually LOVE to do all the things that you listed. How are we BFF's.

Sara said...

I love everything on the list. and i love the classy baby names. but i know i didn't make them up, that is why they are classy. and i love everything on this freakin list.
come over and play. we are bff at heart.

Joanna said...

Oh my holy ERIN you made me laugh and laugh and laugh! this incredible post just reminded me why you and Emily will be friends forever and why we love you so much! It was hysterical and not in the least offensive, but then again, since I agreed with 100% of what bugs you I could not possibly be offended cause you are RIGHT! speaking of things that bug, I use to many of these!!!!

Joann's Hall of Fame said...

I miss you Erin!