Friday, September 25, 2009

CSI, with the molecules and the proteins

A few weeks ago I walked home from work. Walking home from work is excellent, even when it’s really hot outside. It’s not that long of a walk, and even though most of it is on a really busy street, I enjoy having some quiet time to myself each day. And we should all try to walk more, really. I mean, yeah, I do it out of necessity because we only have one car, but it’s great. But for some reason (maybe that I’m in work clothes and not workout clothes), people seem to think I’m stranded or something when they see me walking home. A man I’ve never seen before in my life called to me from a parking lot I was passing the other day to ask me if I was going far and needed a ride. Another time a girl that I know from BYU pulled over to see if I needed any help. (And thank you Emily, although I doubt she’ll ever see this, but I hopefully would have done the same thing—you are so sweet and nice.)

But that’s not the point. The point is, you see the world a little differently when you walk somewhere instead of driving, and you almost always see something on foot that you wouldn’t have spotted from the car.

Actually, that’s not the point either. The REAL point is that today as I walked home from work, I had gotten to a spot where there’s no sidewalk, but a beaten path through the grass. And along this beaten path, what did I come across, but this:

Now, I’m no expert, but doesn’t that look like BLONDE HAIR? From a PERSON?

I thought it was strange, but kept walking, and then a few feet further I saw this:

With the second viewing I thought, "Alright, that’s it, someone needs to photograph this evidence." Luckily I keep my camera on hand for just such occasions as photographing evidence, so I whipped it out and documented away.

Never fear, Provo, I’m on the case. I'm constantly looking out for your safety.

And yes, I took this picture while standing at the edge of a fairly busy street. And yes, lots of people were driving by. And yes, it was the highlight of my walk home. It sort of gave me the giggles actually, which I also hoped the passerby in their fancy cars did not notice.


Nickell said...

Oh man! Erin this is why I love you! You do awesome stuff like this. Did you ever find the source of this random blond hair?

Suzana said...

love it. so yeah, did you solve the mystery? that's kind of gross.. and creepy in a way...

Kiley said...

I bet some student had a huge blonde fro and and their roommate buzzed it off and they scattered the curls in the wind because boys are boys and they didn't think it was necessary to sweep outside. Pretty sure that's what happened. I am glad it is documented though. Because seriously, hair does not disintegrate. One of its grossist qualities.

Cierra said...

ah, it arrived! i was wondering when my split ends would finally get to utah and my accomplice would place them in your tracks...

haha i LOVE you erin. el fin.

Kristin said...

yeesh. *blech* scary a little bit...

Cindy said...

i don't know if you're familiar with the song 'obsessed' by mariah carey. but it kind of describes the way i feel about you/your blog.
