Monday, April 9, 2012

Baby Face Mecklenburg

That's his gangster name. You'll see why at the end of this post. Welp, Beard Season 2012 has ended, and as usual, we took some pics at the shaving. See 2011 (and the reason Chris grows a beard every year) here. 2010 had a beard season as well, and I thought I took pics and blogged about it, but apparently I did not. Oh well. The point is--here are the pics of this year's shave!

The first step.

Goatee style.

Handlebar style. I can't tell you how much time I spend trying to convince him to keep this for a couple of days. He wouldn't go for that, but he did have the idea to take a pic in his cowboy hat. (Yes, you read that correctly. CHRIS had the idea to pose in a cowboy hat, although he would probably deny it.)

I spent even more time trying to talk him into keeping the Ron Swanson for a few days than I did for the handlebar. Because LOOK AT THAT MUSTACHE. It is a beauty. But apparently the upper lip hair is the most frustrating of all the face hair, and getting rid of that was the reason he was so excited to shave.

I did NOT try to convince him to keep the halfstache, however.

You see? BABY FACE.

All the beard. I only picked it up to give you some reference as to how much there was. I wasn't dying to hold the beard or anything, I'm not a weirdo.

Baby Face Mecklenburg laughing at Modern Family.

Baby Face ecklenburg and his wife, Zit Face Mecklenburg.


Amanda said...

I love the ron swanson. Def should keep that sucker for a couple of days.

Unknown said...

What a cute faced couple. I wonder what my face name would be. You'll have to make one up for me. In the picture where he's shaving with the razor he looks like the guy from Psych. I love beards. You guys are awesome!

deb said...

I don't know Erin. That half stache makes a statement...don't you think?

Also, I look forward to these posts. They are excellent.

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

Oh man this post reminded me of my husband and all his many beards I have seen over the years :) haha love it.