He and the two pharmacists he works with signed up to do the wild cow milking. When he told me about it, I was like, ok, cool! Do it! And then we watched some videos of people actually DOING the wild cow milking, and I was a little more nervous, but still excited.
It was really fun to get cowboy gear for him--a requirement, for realsies. It's not just part of the experience to have cowboy boots and a hat, you HAVE to have them.
The day of the rodeo was cold and windy, pretty standard for this last summer. I was worried about the wind, since we were in a dirt arena, but it stopped eventually and actually turned into one of the most beautiful evenings ever. The sunset was gorgeous.
The actual event was amazing. It doesn't look that scary now, but while taking this video I seriously was like shaking. I can't imagine how a bull rider's wife feels. I think bull riders have no business being married, really, because I was pretty freaked out watching my husband do the SILLY part of the rodeo, for crying out loud!
One thing you can't see in the video is the blood all over Chris's face. It freaked me out while I was watching, because I couldn't figure out how he could GET blood all over his face. Turns out the cow was like being all crazy and jumping around in the chute before they let her out, and she had a bloody nose. And Chris got so up in her grill that he got blood all over his face. Now if that isn't a bad-a rodeo man sort of thing, I don't know what is. Also, poor cow. That's sad.
There's that blood. Also the rest of the team.
More blood. It obviously got washed off in the bathroom following this picture. He didn't just sit there for the rest of the night with cow fluids on his face. But you better believe he was not kissed by this girl until we got home and he took a shower. I don't want Mad Cow.
Oh, look, we're at the rodeo!
Oh, look, Kiley and Tyler came too!
Oh, look, so did my parents!
And--more blood. I just couldn't get enough bloody pictures.
The point is--rodeos are fun, and I daresay they are even MORE fun if your loved ones are participating. Also, Chris is a cowboy.
Update: So apparently the video wouldn't load. Which is dumb. But I posted it in an earlier post, so if you are interested in watching the video, click here.
wait wait! Where's the video?? Maybe I am really dumb. lol. Regardless, way to go Chris! He looks legit. :)
Chris is a bad-a rodeo man. I can attest.
The vid made me nervous too! And I tots agree with your statement that bullriders should not be allowed to have wives because I LOVE rodeos but every (and yes I mean EACH and EVERY) time the bullriders get bucked off I am biting my knuckles and about to wet myself praying that they don't get KILLED. But I still go because Rodeos are the best!! Boston really needs help in this entertainment category. . .
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