Tuesday, April 5, 2011


You may or may not be aware that for the last two months Chris has been growing a beard. It's pretty great. He is so good at growing a nice manly beard. He's just the type of guy who looks nice with a beard, you know? You also may or may not be aware that 2 years ago his dad passed away. For most of Chris's childhood, his dad had a beard, so last year Chris decided that every year he is going to grow a beard from February 6th to April 5th, which is his dad's birthday to his death date.

Since today is April 5th, it was shaving day. And of course we documented it all for posterity.


We started out with this business. Full and luscious and beautiful.

It started pretty small . . . .

We went all hip with some steps in the chops. I think he could definitely start something with those.

But for the opposite chop we did vertical stripes, for some variety.

Next step--truck purchase.

I can't even explain to you how badly I wanted him to keep either the above or below styles for just a few days. He refused to keep the Fu Manchu, so I tried and tried for him to keep the Mario mustache, but he resisted that as well. Tis a shame, because just behold that beauty.

And then finally . . . . . .

my 15 year old husband! Doesn't he look so much younger all of a sudden? Crazy!

Smooth as a baby's bottom.

Oh, were you also hoping to see how the pile of beard hairs grew as it all got shaved off? Perfecto!

That razor is there for reference. And it's a jumbo razor, it's like 18 inches long, so this is a HUGE pile of beard hairs, friends.

So there you have it. Beardliness. I love you, beard. You look really amazing on my husband's face, and I look forward to seeing you again in February 2012.


Tammy said...

I love love LOVE this awesome and happy way for Chris to remember his dad :) my husband has the manly desire to do it probably once a year so might as well tie it to something so good & meaningful :)

Maybe next time you could hunt down a pic of bearded dad to post side by side Chris' :)

Cami Rivas said...

Great post! I'm glad we could know the story ahead of time so that we could appreciate these pictures!

Unknown said...

Great pictures! Those chops were amazing!

Marisa said...

Ha ha ha! That is awesome! We did that once with Jon ... but his beard is hilarious because he has bald spots in it. Your hubby totally has one rockin' ability to grow a beard!

Kiley said...

Now maybe he won't creep you out so bad in the middle of the night.

alexandria said...

I love the beard! I did not know it was an annual tribute beard though. He seriously does look about 20 years younger sans beard.

LJ said...

I'm sorry, I didn't know about Chris's dad. My dad died almost 14 years ago, so I hear you, man.

Also: I don't know if it's something in the water or something, but my own husband shaved off his excellent beard last night. He goes through a beard cycle, kind of like the phases of the moon. Beard for 6 weeks, off for four, back for three, off for six, over and over and over all year.

I'm glad to have the smooth face back. It's just so very nice.

Casey said...

Erin! You have a blog! Haha. Oh man, his beard....I like it shaved off! haha. Glad to see you guys are doing well!

Shelly said...

Why can't he keep the mario mustache? It would be so amazing!

Cierra said...

you posted it!!! YES! i know i am way late on commenting...but i am so glad i didn't miss this post!

my fave by far was the vertical stripes one. so very original. and i also must say that the documentation of the ever-growing pile of beard hair was a nice touch.

well done, well done.