Does anyone feel like their productivity around the house comes (only) in spurts?
Let me show you what I did this week as far as housewifery and homemaking were concerned:
Monday: Made dinner, did dishes, cleared away makeup and hair stuff from the bathroom counter (excluding my flat iron, of course).
Wednesday: Made dinner, ate dinner while watching The Witches with Chris (that movie is SCARY! I'd never seen it), made shopping list and menu (of new, fun, exciting recipes) WHILE stirring something on the stove (I know, right? Could I BE any more impressive or wife-like? I wasn't wearing an apron or holding a baby on my hip though. That would really complete the image), went grocery shopping (to 3 different stores), put away groceries, made the bed, tested new makeup and mascara, did the dishes (including some things that needed to be washed by hand), did 5 loads of laundry (which was ALL of our dirty laundry and most of our clothes) (4 of which are folded and put away), ironed some shirts, took out the trash in the bathroom and the kitchen, opened and sorted mail, used coupons at the grocery store, watched The Biggest Loser online, changed lightbulbs in the bathroom, finished watching The Witches while folding laundry and having a little midnight (or 10:15) snack, and went to bed around 11:30.
The things I did not do: work out or read my scriptures. Had I done those, the day would have been extra amazing. (We'll talk another day about my horrible scripture study habits, but suffice it to say that my goal this year is to get through the Book of Mormon ONE time. I know. My mother in law's goal is to read it 5 times.)
But it really made me think. Why do I think there's not enough time in my evenings to do that? I typically say, ok, I'll do the laundry OR clean the kitchen really well OR plan a menu and go shopping for it. But the truth is that if I don't spend a lot of time hanging around, I can get a TON of stuff done.
And the fact of the matter is, I'm usually MUCH lazier than I was yesterday. I told Chris I was in a productive mood, and that I needed to chase that feeling, because it doesn't come often and may not be back soon. But it felt pretty dang good on Wednesday evening, I tell you what.
Story of my life, lady. Sleep is generally a huge factor in that equation for me. On good days, I can do what you did on Wed (and Mon), but a lot of my days are more like Tues and involve a nap.
For me the key is to get up and start a load of laundry. Because its not hard, and once its in the washing machine you don't have to do anything for a while, but it gets me going and I can get everything done. If I wake up and just take a minute (or 2 hours), then I don't get anything done.
I think it's hilarious that watching Biggest Loser was part of your productivity.
Not in a judgey least the people you were watching were being productive.
wow I'm 3 posts behind! sheesh. You are an AMAZING super wife. and yes, those times dont happen often around here. Until recently - being forced to be at home ALL the time has made me keep our house in tip top shape. it's a very nice feeling. I am so proud of you. when I was a working wife, I never, I mean NEVER did those things. ever. never. yeh, you get the point. WAY TO GO.
also, did the highlighter explosion ruin your clothes? or did it wash out? just curious.
ummm i think we are productivity (or lack thereof) twins. i am the exact same way. somedays i feel like i can conquer the world and others i feel like i can't even make a phone call i'm so lazy. so yeah. i totally take advantage of the motivated days and just go at it until my energy runs out and my body can take no more!
My family still makes fun of me for thinking The Witches is scary, but it IS!
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