Thursday, November 11, 2010

Silly things I really love

Remember when I made a list of things that bother me, even though they shouldn't? Well, I have also been working on a list of things I really love. This is it.

When I have EXACTLY the amount of paper I need in my printer. I love it.

Today at work I was preparing a report (we do investment updates every month for our clients), and part of that is moving all the information around to where it needs to be. We use spreadsheets, and along the left side there are dates going up to 2014. So when you do a new report, you need to drag the information to the applicable date. Today I was preparing for the October 31 reports, and the row that October 31 was on was 1301. Which is 1031 backwards, which is October 31st! Do you LOVE it? I do.

The other day I pulled up behind a car that was exactly the same as mine, except a different color. Then I realized that the license plate of their car was only ONE LETTER different from ours! Same numbers, and ours ends in UXG, and theirs ended in UXB. Can you believe it? Car twins!

Shredding things. (I love a lot of things about my job, turns out.)

Frying an egg and watching the whites turn from clear to white.

Letting my leg hair grow for 2 weeks or more. It's just more satisfying to shave it off that way. When you're doing that every-few-days-or-so business, you just don't appreciate the smoothosity. Also it keeps you warm.

Packing peanuts.

When Chris plays ballet with me and we do leaps and stuff. He is really good at catching me mid leap.

Hobby Lobby. I've only been once, but I felt like I was at Disneyland.

Standing next to my little brothers and seeing how tall they are. Way taller than me is how tall they are.

Every Taylor Swift song.

Peeling protective covers off of new stuff. Chris got a new phone recently, and he let me do the honors. It is so satisfying.

Similarly, I also love peeling those little sticky strips of glue off of junk mail. I love the moment when you're stretching our your arm, peeling it, and it finally leaves the paper and snaps up and hits your fingers, and makes a bunch of tight little tendrils out of the glue.

Perforated edges.

Election season, when you get to hear perfectly respectable and otherwise serious people say the silliest word on earth--gubernatorial.

This picture:

People that sass me on the phone at work. Seriously, I love it that people think they can be rude to the girl answering the phones, and still get to talk to the guy who doesn't answer the phones. I feel like saying, "You know, I'm the gatekeeper of this place. You should be nicer to receptionists." A while ago I got a call where the person said very briskly, "I need to talk to the person who would make decisions on an office relocation." So I said, "Actually, we're not interested in that."
And they said, "Well, are you looking to relocate in the next 3-5 years?"
And I said, "No."
And they said, "And YOU would know?"
And I said, "Yes I would. Have a great day!" and hung up. And I honestly LOVED that they gave me a little sassy, "And YOU would know?" Awesome. Who does that?

Crunching around in the leaves outside. But I'm so bummed when they're a little damp. Dampness takes all the enjoyment out of leaves on the ground. Dang you, morning dew.

Wearing colorful tights.

Getting catalogs in the mail.

Cleaning the bathroom mirror. (Don't mistake me, I don't do it often enough, but I should, because I LOVE it.)

Babies with huge thighs.

Really great dates. Like, this year my birthday is on 12/11/10--descending numbers! 10/10/10 was pretty exciting. This post will be published on 11/11 at 11:11 am--who doesn't love that? Oh, and I'm already envious of my brother Zach, who in 2 years gets to experience 12/12/12--the very last time we can celebrate this nonsense--for his birthday. I have to say, though, I think I prefer the dates that go in an order, you know 8/9/10, over the 11/11/11 business. 5/5/05 was good though, because it's a holiday AND a cool date. So there you have it.

Now, tell me, people. What silly things do you really love?


Tay said...

Eyes that crinkle up in the corners when the person is smiling.

Kiley said...

I love all those things you mentioned but more. I love them ALL more.

Okay not really. I love...the smell of the heater when I wake up and I know it is freezing outside but so warm in my house. And just being home in the mornings. Mornings are the best time of day.

Shelly said...

You both hate them compared to how much I love all of those things.

I like watching the washing machine fill up with water and start churning (like butta).
Also, I like standing on my porch when it's raining and watching it.

I like having the perfect lighting arrangement for the particular setting.

I like it when I'm excited to go to bed because it sounds so fun.

I like really intense moments of fun when everybody is screaming and it's a really big deal.

I like hearing a song that fits your mood exactly.

I like it when you go on a run and it feel amazing instead of just hard.

I like the feeling after finals when you know you are done and have zero obligations.

I like it when a food item hits the spot and is completely satisfying.

I like singing in the shower.

I like to think of more things to say that I like.

I like wrestling . . . when it's not awkward.

I like it when people get my jokes no mater how weird they turn out to be.

I like a lot more things.

The end.

Becca said...

I really love wiping off counters, tables, anything to make it look beautiful.

I love speeding on the freeway in construction zone and totally getting away with it. I go 80 most days.

I love gift bags with matching tissue paper.

i love seeing my little girl in jean mini skirt with striped tights or leggings and boots. it's my absolute fave.

Erin said...

Wiping counters! I was going to put that but forgot.

Tay, if that includes wrinkly eyes, thank you.

Ki, I like the smell of the heater too, but have never thought about it really.

Shelly, I like so many of those things too! I went running yesterday and loved it. It was hard though, because I've gone running like 5 times in the last 3 months. I also love when everyone is screaming. I also love wrestling (which you well know) but I like it when it's awkward.

Kathleen said...

I love when the exact item I want in a store is my size and on sale.

I love snuggling in the morning with my hub.

I love sweat pants.

I love getting all green lights, late or not.

I love lip glosses that make my lips have that little the bath and body works kind, but that don't taste bad (like my fav blistex blue).

I love getting legitimate mail in my mail box, not counting bills, subscriptions, or junk... like a real letter.

I love hearing Lucy belly laugh.

I love having the perfect sweater for the mood I'm in, whether fancy or casual or in between.

I love Tillamook extra sharp cheddar.

I love when I get to actually check all the things off on a list (any list....groceries, to-do, etc).

I love many more things.

Sara said...

everything you said i was like "i love that too." lets go to hobby lobby together and peel off labels. I like lots of shellys likes too. like the day you finish finals. ok i should be writing a paper but I want to write like 100 things I like. pulling tags off new clothes is good.

charlotte said...

I've never heard about sassy TCM callers! I would LOVE that. Except I might be too sassy back sometimes.

Also, my captcha this says "mingie" remember Minji and Rob the worlds best wedding invite?

And now, some things I love.

Being outside really late when it's snowing and it's really quiet and really light.

Landromat smell.

Getting pumped about being thrifty. (Like buying ice cream cones and ice cream at the grocery store last week and figuring out how much would be spent for that many ice cream cones if we bought them at an ice cream parlor. And LOVING the cheap ice cream cone.)

Make-up palettes that are SUCH GREAT DEALS. (like this that I just put on my Christmas wishlist.

Dollar movies.

Redbox movies.

Jingles for local businesses that sound like me and Blair wrote them.

Michaels, wreath stuff being WAY on sale. (And then I saw a Black Friday sale ad that had all the same prices and deals that I bought stuff for the other day and I was like "SUCKAS! You think you're getting a deal by going on a really busy day, but really, I got the first pick for the same price. Win, win.")

Reading magazines.

Putting my towel in the dryer while I'm in the shower and having a really warm towel EVERY time I get out of the shower.

Having gift cards so you can feel like you can spent it on whatever you want because it's sort of like free money.