Tuesday, May 25, 2010

An essay that is essentially about why I love Christophersonburger

Why I Don’t Like Edward or Mr. Darcy or Other Like-minded Fellows
By Erin

They’re not fun.

I am married to a man who has had his fair share (and probably more than fair share) of hard stuff dealt to him in his life. And what drew me to him and made him intriguing was not that he was brooding and mean and said nasty, humiliating things to me. It was that he was fun and friendly and incredibly kind, in spite of the things he had been going through.

And what has kept me liking him is not that he is mysterious, or gets jealous, or gets angry when I am wronged. He is none of those things, and thank goodness.

Why do women think that they want that? Aren’t girls emotional enough without throwing in emotional, sensitive guys?

I realize I may be alienating myself from a bunch of Mr. Darcy fans, but I’m not afraid. (I also realize I may be alienating myself from Edward fans, and to that I say, great.)

This being said, I am open. I am open to seeing Mr. Darcy differently. I have only read the book one time, and it was in high school, and perhaps the movie(s) don’t convey the message as nicely as Miss Austen. Maybe I truly am missing something.

But seriously. I don’t get it.

Now, Darcy fans—convince me.

Edward fans—too late. Maybe the books should be better and I would be convinced. But I’ve read them, and they’re not. Sorry.

(Also, thank you to Emily for asking me to blog more. It was her prompting that made me write down one of the ridiculous thoughts in my head and put it here on the world wide web.)
(Also, if her baby Henri doesn’t kill you with his cuteness, don’t come back.)

(Also, my pledge to you is this--next time you visit this blog, it will discuss things I LIKE. For heaven's sakes. I really do like most everything.)


Andrea said...

Henri does kill me. Seriously.

Becca said...

those are GREAT things to like about a guy, and I'm glad you have someone like Chris.

Mr. Darcy...handsome, he was a jerk, but she changed him for the better, he saved her sister and family from extra humiliation, without taking credit, he still loved her even after her rudeness to him and all the drama, oh yeh....and he's handsome. done.

James also has had his fair share of shiz - and the first thing that impressed me with him was (besides his good looks) that despite all that he had a great attitude about life and didn't blame anyone for the cards he had been dealt. He was happy. and he so many reasons not to be. THAT is a good trait. I'm glad we have that in our hubs

Becca said...

hate edward.

alexandria said...

Im with you with the Edward thing mostly because I believe Edward and Bella's relationship meets 4 of the 5 criteria for abusive relationships BUT I love Mr Darcy.

Ignore the movies(though I like those too) and re-read the book again. It really amazing how differently I see that book from when I was in high school to now that Im an adult and married. And you know my cat's name is Darcy, so dont be a hater :)

Tay said...

Darcy ... hmmm Well, I feel like I married my version of Fitzwilliam Darcy. I've had a lot of crap handed to me and he's helped me get through it and be better for it. Hopefully I'm as helpful to him for the hard things he goes through. And while Mr Darcy is a fabulous dream, I do prefer reality.

Edward is creepy, mean, manipulative and violent. I'd say something about his paleness, but that would be hypocritical and shallow. And who wants a guy who is freezing cold and feels like a slab of marble and has no facial expressions. Boo.

But I think you would like Pride and Prejudice better now than in high school. It's more humorous, the characters gain more depth, and Elizabeth's parents are so unfortunate in their marriage. I didn't see that fully until I was married and understood what a marriage partner ought to be as a companion. It's a much more interesting read.

Shelly said...

I haven't read Pride and Prejudice so I'm not sure how credible my opinion is. What I love about it is the romance. I love watching Darcy go from indifference towards Elizabeth to slowly falling in love with her. He shows signs little by little until he can't take it anymore and he HAS to tell her. Love it. I might have to read the book now to get a real opinion.

Edward, I once loved. Now, not so much. I'm not into the idea of a debilitating love. I think love should be empowering and Edward and Bella can't function properly without each other. That is not a desirable relationship.

peace out.

Kathleen said...

Well I have read P&P and this is what I will say:
I like Mr. Darcy for Elizabeth Bennet and not for Kathleen Ririe and not for Erin Q. M. Darcy is good for Elizabeth (in the books). Although is does say some things and act in ways that seem rude and prejudice, in the book it better explains all the ways in which he saves Elizabeth and her family. And if you put your self in those back in the day shoes...it would be way looked down on to marry someone so out of your class, so I can see his struggle. Elizabeth (in the book) is not just mild, like Jane. She has her own bag full of prejudices and pride. (There is such a thing as acting to prideful about what one doesn't have as what one does have, if that makes sense). So in the end they help each other overcome their prides and prejudices and that's why Mr. Darcy is such a dream....for HER. Obviously everyone's dream is for a man that completes them and brings out their best parts. I think most are over the top about Collin Firth's looks...cause I am not. He's just normal to me, wet shirt or no. But I think people are mostly in love with his idea more than with his actual personality. And so if that is the case...then yes, I'm a Darcy lover because he brings out the best in Elizabeth and completes her and makes her happy, and that's what every woman wants and deserves, whether there hub is like unto Darcy's actual demeanor or not.
I hope this is sufficiently long...:) Yes, post some things you like too. And reread the book if you get a chance...it's delish.

Edward. No way. Not even well written. Just can't do it.

Kathleen said...

and ps. I just reread my comment and I apologize for the type o's. Especially for writing "to" instead of "too". I know the difference and I know it bugs you. Sorry.

krebscout said...

I thought it was just that Colin Firth is hot.

Becca said...

yeh ok I better re-state:

I have not read Pride and Prejudice. I have the 6 hr movie memorized. Collin Firth is hot. So duh, Darcy is awesome.

I read the twilight series. I liked Edward...but I really liked Jacob. And then I liked edward. and then jacob. blah blah blah.

then I watched the movie...and I cannot even bring myself to pick up those books again. the movie made me laugh out loud and vomit all at the same time. I have yet to see New Moon. I hear it is better since Edward isn't in it as much. ha.

however...if collin firth had played edward, maybe things would be different...

Nickell said...

You know I'm on the Edward hating bandwagon.

Shelly said...

I would like to eat a Christoffersonburger. Where do I get me one a them?

Foxyboxy said...

Ahhh...a woman after my own heart. It's not that we like to go against the grain or dance to the beat of our own drum--it's more that we have good taste in men and neither Mr. Darcy nor Edward are up to par. I love Captain Wentworth, just for the record (Persuasion) and always thought Bella should ditch Edward and go for someone like Emmett. True, she had a vampire chick in her way, but she didn't seem too scared of that to get Pantywaist Edward. Boo.

Emily Hope said...

haha, Thanks Erin. I never tire of hearing Henri called cute. Okay, here is my weigh-in on Mr. Darcy (I am not even going to talk about Edward,) I like him. Colin Firth wrote an awesome little reaction to the first ballroom scene of P&P. (I know this shows my nerdy English major side...) but I couldn't find it on the internet. Anyway, if you ever get a chance to read it, it explains a lot. BUT, will you answer me this question???? I just watched "Funny Girl" and was super mad at Nick. I guess the question is just to explain that whole scenario. Now there is a guy to complain about!

charlotte said...

Remember how after me and Blair met Henri we went home and creeped on him? And we were like "this is probably weird that we are creepin on Henri. But he's so cute."

Also. On Sunday we were at the Woodwards and Blair was wanting to read Born to Run, but I didn't have a book! So I started in the Twilight books again. And man. I forgot how AWESOME they are. And how Bella and Edward are the best characters in the world.