Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why am I such a Negative Nelly? I don't know, but here it is.

So sometimes when I think about something, I type it up to blog. And then sometimes I forget about it. I'm pretty sure I wrote this during the Christmas season. But I found it today and it is still true, so there you go. And apparently a lot of the things I stop and type up are of the complaining sort. Hopefully most of you know that in real life I really am nice most of the time. Anyway, I wanted to have this on the record in case anyone ever accuses me of being a lover. I am a hater.
Of the:

How can there be so many people on this earth who love Josh Groban? I am not kidding.

It doesn’t make any sense to me. When I hear his over-the-top-with-drama voice all I can think about is some guy who takes himself WAY too seriously and wishes he were an opera singer and/or the Phantom. And he is not. Pavarotti is an opera singer, and the sound of his voice moves me to tears. Michael Crawford is the Phantom, and even he sort of sucks at everything except being the Phantom. Josh Groban just makes me bugged.

I feel like EVERY single song of his is supposed to make you feel really deeply emotional about something—Christmas, mountains, stormy seas, whatevs. But guess what, Groban? I’m not buying it! I’m not moved. Sorry.

And it’s not just the country music/Hallmark/Lifetime-esque package I dislike, though I certainly do dislike that pushing emotions in your face style. I don’t like his voice. I don’t think it’s beautiful at all. He sounds like a poser of a real singer. And I’m sick of it. Especially that one Christmas song. Something about believing. Don’t even get me started.

So yeah. Another thing that bugs me, even though it shouldn't.

Also--HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY GIRL!! My favorite person to sneak down to the kitchen and get a snack with, even if she didn't like pistachios and just sucked on the shells because they were salty, turns 20 today. 20 on the 20th! Can you believe it?

(so one time we went to Chicago and I didn't put on any makeup. Also pictures like this freak me out because what the face? I'm pretty sure that like 18 of the 25 pounds I've lost since then came from my double chin.) (Also is she really that much taller than me? Crazy talk.)

Here are 20 things I love/you may not know about Char:

1. When she laughs really hard she gets all wiggly and goes nuts and it's awesome.

2. She likes to make fun of the same things I do.

3. I love to talk to her about serious shiz too.

4. She's a vegetarian and politically liberal, and is obnoxious about neither.

5. She wears her keys on a necklace not to be funny but because she really does lose them or lock them in the car.

6. We pioneered the Tender Kiss together. Some of you know what I'm talking about. (That sounds way weirder than it actually is, but uh . . . yeah.)

7. Cute things make her cry sometimes, like adorable baby clothes or adorable babies or incredible stuff at Anthropologie.

8. She's my link to the indy/cool art kids world, and gives me some cred there, I think. (also Eleanor does this.)

9. She is way funny.

10. She texts me things that I love, like stupid things people say, or funny vanity plates on cars, or to make sure I'm listening to something interesting on npr.

11. She made up some of the funny things we do with Mom, like covering each other's mouths or raising our hands the fastest when we love something the most.

12. She has really good taste. Also she looks great in everything she wears, so double positive there.

13. She makes really good beeping sound effects.

14. Some of the most magical movie-watching experiences of my life have been with Char. Moulin Rouge and Roman Holiday, on my laptop, late at night, having a sleepover--magic.

15. She is really good at doing makeup. And art.

16. One time we were in Ecuador together for a month and it was SWEET.

17. She LOVES Ecuador.

18. She got engaged when she was 18.

19. And got married when she was 19. But guess what? She's not a dumb giggly girl that skipped away looking for a man. It just happened, and Blair is da bomb.

20. I just love to have a BFF sister.

(one time we went to Chicago and THIS happened too. And it was totally Dad's idea. He started it, and he is awesome.)


Kiley said...

I am sold. I want Char as a best friend instead of you.

Shelly said...

This post is like the black and white cookie. One side of you is a hater (Grobanator) and the other side of you is a lover (Char). Yes, I called you a lover.

Awesome. Maybe sometime Char can make her beeping noises for me.

Shanicherie said...

Dude, our wedding song was Groban. Thoroughly irritated.

Just kidding. He is mucho over the top. It was a perfect wedding song but I gag now if I hear it. I do love his hair.

Becca said...

well i may or may not own a josh groban CD. But in my defense I fell in love with him for about a year...junior year of high school I do believe. and even then I liked about 5 songs total. Now I cannot listen to him. maybe one song annually or something, but that's about as much as I can take. I am becoming a grobanater too.

I'm sold on Char too and would like to hear beeping noises. and i need a key necklace. it was a terrible day that I locked my keys in the house, i was outside with the kids, at night, supposed to be picking james up at UVU, amd Jay from the hospital, all my family was in SLC...thank goodness for visiting teachers. but a necklace would have saved me a lot of trouble.

Becca said...


would you put josh groban as the male version of celine dion? I think she has a genuinely good voice, not as forced as his, but it's the same overly-dramatic-force-emotions type singing, no?

kate said...

that is hillarious. all of it. but mostly the part where I saw the last picture and thought, "how did they get Brother Tanner to agree to do that?!" and then I read on and was AMAZED!!!!!

Erin said...

Oh, Katie, we have about 10 pictures like this, and in a lot of them my dad is alone, because he would just suddenly pose, and we'd take a pic, or, like this one, he'd come up with the idea and we'd set the timer. It was amazing.

Becca, I'm going to ponder the Celine comparison for a while. I'll let you know what I think.

Brianna and Andrew said...

Happy birthday to Char! I know I knew her birthday was the same as Andrew's, but I still forgot until I read this.

Oh, and I never knew she was a vegetarian. I feel like a bad cousin, so at least I am just a cousin-in-law. That doesn't make me feel as bad!

Emily Robinson said...

I always know you have family birthdays in May, so on any given day in May, if I feel that it is someone's birthday (ya know, when you don't know whose...but someone in your life?) I assume it's a Tanner.

Emily Hope said...

Erin, please blog more often. I know you may be putting seemingly more important things to the side (like Chris and eating) but it should be worth it. I also like that Char cries at really cute things: like baby clothes, cute babies, and anthropology. I guess I mostly like that these three things are in the same category. Do you want to run a half marathon with me on Nov. 6?