Friday, October 23, 2009

I'd probably be ticked too

So I saw a link on today titled,

"Ice Skating Bear Kills Russian Circus Hand."

Could anyone resist reading that story? Of course not.

So I read it, and of course it's pretty horrible, but one line intrigued me:

"'The incident occurred during a rehearsal by the Russian state circus company troupe which was performing in Bishkek with the program, Bears on Ice,' Ministry of Culture and Information director Kurmangazy Isanayev told reporters.
It is unclear what caused the bear to attack Potapov, 25, nearly severing one of his legs while dragging him across the ice by his neck. Medical personnel were unable to save Potapov, who died at the scene."

It is unclear? I'm fairly certain that if I were a bear, a wild animal who wants to live in the woods and eat berries and catch fish in my mouth when they jump upstream, I would be pretty ticked to have ice skates strapped to my giant paws and be in a show called Bears on Ice.

Please don't think I'm being insensitive to the man who died. It is terrible, and I'm sure that getting killed by a bear is one of the most terrifying and awful things that could happen to a person.

But . . . is this really so unexpected? Forcing a 900 pound animal to do anything, especially something so unnatural, comes with some risks, does it not?

And, at the end of the article, there is this puzzling gem:

"Russia has a long-standing tradition of training bears to perform tricks such as riding motorcycles, ice skating, and playing hockey. Fatal attacks are unusual."

Fatal attacks are unusual? Does that mean non-fatal attacks are usual? Should we maybe not capture wild animals and train them to do humiliating tricks? I think that might be a good idea.

This being said, is it hypocritical if now I really want to see bears doing these things? PLAYING HOCKEY? That would be entertaining . . .

And also, is it weird that I can only imagine the Jazz Bear when I picture all this stuff, and not an actual bear?


Shelly said...

I read the article before I read your blog and I was thinking the same thing. That is what you get! I don't ever remember a bear putting on ice skates of it's own free will and putting on a show. It is sad to think that someone died.

Which bear is best?
Black bear
That's debatable.

Cierra said...

this reminds me of my latest circus experience and the kangaroo that some guy was boxing. there was also a huge ginormous camel that at one point got ticked off and wouldn't kneel on the ground.

it is very sad. and yet somehow it continues because we are all so intrigued by it.

Becca said...

YEh I don't know why this happens. I'm amazed that we can train dogs, and even they disobey here and there. How can we possibly think that these massive animals will ALWAYS do what they are trained to do? There are no guarantees.

this is the really sad part: we've been watching HEROES a ton lately. Like season 1-3 in 3 weeks. beat that TV bum-ness. anyway, if you haven't watched it this wont make sense, but in case you have I will confess what came to my mind as I Read this:

it's kind of like how they tried to have Sylar be an agent but he has to be true to who he is, so he keeps killing people. (last episode we watched was "I Am Sylar")

I really hope you know what I am talking about.

Andrea said...

I think that stuff is so sad. Sad for the bears, I mean. The stupid humans deserved it. Animals are animals. Come on.

And Becca, I know what you are talking about.

Erin said...

Sorry Becca, I have never seen Heroes. I do watch other shows, some of which I am embarrassed about, but Heroes is not one of them. But I do understand relating things to those shows, and in that way, I get what you said.

Because I've had more than one dream about Gossip Girl and Blair's headbands.

Cindy said...

thanks for this! now i know where i want to go for christmas break!


e.p. said...


Only in Russia.

Erin, I have the most amazing story for you about pieces of art, and as I am typing this, I realize I need to call you and tell you about it. Soon, my friend, soon!!