It is so perfect. It is exactly what I wanted to have, and now I have it.
It is a band, so none of the diamonds stick up. But there are a whole bunch of little diamonds. (35, in fact. It took me a really long time to count them all because they're so little.) The top and bottom have pave set diamonds, and in the middle there are 6 little princess cut diamonds with baguettes in between them. It's beautiful. (And this would be a good time to insert a picture, but I have none.)
And even better than being beautiful all on its own, this little ring looks beautiful on my hand, which is no small feat, since I have little stubby fingers. Like sausages.
It's strange, when we were shopping for rings, I always gravitated toward bands, because I like them, but I also discovered that they just looked better on my finger. We went to four different jewelry stores, and even the salesguys who helped us at each one would comment, "You know, the more traditional rings just don't look as good as the bands do on your hand." Correct they were.
I always felt weird when I tried on a solitaire style ring, like it was a fake thing. But with my ring, I feel fancy and pretty and a little bit grown up. My friend Kiley told me once it was a princess ring, so now I feel royal as well. It doesn't stick up, so it can't get caught on anything. I will never scratch anyone's arm or face with it. It's low maintenance but still very sparkly (sort of like me, I like to think).
And it's different. I'm not one of those people (at least I try not to be) who is always wanting to be different, and talking about being different, and buying clothes from DI and Urban Outfitters and pretending like that's different. But I love that my ring is different. Occasionally people say things to me like, "I've never seen one like that before!" and it makes me glow with pride and love for my ring.
And do you know what I love even more than my ring? The boy that gave it to me. The boy who went to four different jewelry stores and looked at what must have seemed to him an endless parade of tiny objects with big price tags. The boy who took me on a date to Braza Grill in Salt Lake on a rainy day around two years ago, and then suggested over lunch that perhaps ring stores should be our next activity for the day. The guy who secretly bought this one on a Friday and proposed to me on Saturday, October 20, 2007 (exactly two years ago) at a park in Hobble Creek canyon.
I don't know if diamonds seriously do last forever, of it that's just a marketing gimmick. But I do know that me and Christopherson do.
I remember when Chris told me that he had your ring. I think I was the first to know, or maybe the first girl to know. It was that night we went to Steve's concert in the Clyde building and the tumble gym afterward. I can't believe it's been two years. Awesome. Yay for you. Sometime I will come over again and we can play the wii?
I also remember that I thought he was joking so when he told me and was a little surprised when he wasn't. S or Z in surprised?
You were the first of anybody to know. And he had it WITH HIM when he told you that. It was in his backpack. S in surprised.
Yeah, and you were sitting right there next to us when he was like, Hey, let's go up to the canyon tomorrow, and I thought nothing of it.
you do realize that you are now obligated to post a picture of your ring, right? cause i have never seen it and now i really want to!
and you succeeded in making me jealous with the beautiful fall pictures. and i really like your hair. and you. and chris too.
I knew those pictures werent from the day you were engaged! Do you also remember that you got engaged and then the black and white party was that night so you were able to tell/show everyone and it was perfect?! I think Chris even thought that through that proposing and then going to a big friend party would be awesome.
OMG I am so behind. this is the only reason I don't like private blogs: my blog updater on MY blog doesn't let me know when a private blog is updated. so I had no idea you had written a new post...and now I am like 6 posts behind. sheeesh. I will get used to it, I promise. because your blog is worth it, Erin.
Ok, so much.
too much. I can't tell you all.
I miss pres. hinckley too. A lot.
TLC what?!!? there are no words.
your ring is gorgeous and unique. I bonk mine on something daily and scratch James once a week I'm sure. but I love my ring, of course.
i will try and stay more up to date.
I want to see your ring now! And wow...two years and a day now. Isn't life fun? Oh, and by the way, I am totally jealous of those fall colors behind you. Sterling is seriously looking a little ugly right now. The leaves on the few trees that we do have didn't really turn any fun colors...just brown. It is boring.
I'm not as much wondering to see the ring as I am wondering why Chris doesn't seem to know that you were taking pictures of him in the first two pictures you posted? Ok, I'd like to see the ring too.
It's FALL! And I'm a little jealous.
I am glad you posted this. I will posting a similar post later this evening. Twinners we are. (With VERY different stories).
i'm going to watch/practice my single ladies dance routine. in honor of my single-ness.
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