This here blog of mine (I've stopped even pretending it's OURS, since Chris only sees it when I tell him to) is a mystery to me. What is its purpose? Lots of people have one to update their mothers on life and their baby. But I neither have a baby nor do I live in a state--or city, for that matter--away from my mother. I feel like other people's blogs are more event related, and they put up cute pictures and stuff. It's not to persuade, or inform, so I guess it's to entertain. It is mostly just my musings, but I feel like I'm trying to be awesome by using the word musings, and I hereby pledge to never do it again. Please forgive me.
We here come to another mystery of blogdom. Who am I writing to? Am I writing these things with a specific audience in mind? I suppose I am, I'm hoping my friends will come look at it as I do theirs. And also hoping that I don't end up the inspiration for a scary movie about an internet stalker.
Now let's get onto what I really came to blog about. (And there is another thing--blog as a verb. What is with these blog things, anyway?)
The point is:
1. I don't know if I ever gave the end result of the job interview I wore the really cute outfit to, but I did indeed get that job. In fact, I am at it right now. I work at a wedding invitation store at the mall, and it's lovely. It's not very busy right now either, so I get to do things like homework . . . . and mostly I just spend time on the internet.
2. Today I was at Michael's (the craft store, not the house of a friend named Michael. I'm not sure I even have a friend named Michael), and decided while I was there I would pop in the Home Fabrics store next door. I have AWFUL curtains in my house, and I want to make new ones. But I don't know how I will ever pick anything, because this place was FULL of beauty. They had flocked taffeta, for crying out loud! FLOCKED! My favorite fabric embellishment!
3. I have never been so excited about Halloween in my entire life. I don't know what it is. Probably that I live in a little house where trick-or-treaters will visit, hopefully in throngs! I'm loving it! Last weekend I went and bought a whole bunch of stuff, and I'm looking forward to decorating my little house! I will definitely take pictures and put them up, as it will no doubt be a job I am proud of.
4. As I write this, I'm learning the intricacies of working at my new job. Don't laugh, there really are a lot of things to learn at a wedding invitation store! However, basically all of the new things I've had to learn have been while the same couple is here, and I feel so bad! Each time they've come in, there's been something I don't know how to do, and they sit and wait patiently while I figure it out. It's terrifying, but they are so nice. So this is a big thank you to Garrett and Melissa, who I'm sure will never read this, but thanks for being nice to me. It's a good thing they're engaged and in love, or they might have gotten a little testy while they waited.
5. Today I found myself detesting my life. That's a little dramatic, but I walked outside and realized what BEAUTIFUL weather it has been lately, and I've enjoyed none of it! Admittedly, some of this is my own fault, as I do have Saturday and Sunday free to enjoy the outdoors to my heart's content. But during the week, I blame life for not allowing me an Autumn celebration. My life forces me to be indoors much too much, and only go outside when walking from the car to a building to another building, and it is practically dark by the time I get a spare moment to go outside. I need to make more time to spend time with nature. That will be a little goal of mine.

I was walking through the South end of BYU campus today, which is lovely in every season, but it's starting to be Fallish right now, so my affection for it is even greater than usual. And I started to yearn (can I yearn? Am I that dramatic? If I can detest, I can yearn, right?) for the years that I hope are to come in my life--when I am a mom. I will then spend my fall afternoons going on walks, riding bikes, playing in the yard, and taking picnics to the mountains. Is this picture of motherhood too idealistic? Probably, but guess what? I don't have kids yet, and I would like to think the experience of raising children is as magical as I imagine.
6. And last of all--gosh I love this little Christopher of mine. My wonderful aunt Crystal enlisted us to teach the annual marriage lesson to the Young Women in her ward. She thought that even though we're newlyweds, young women like that kind of stuff and would rather hear from people closer to their age than from their leaders. I don't know if that's true. They did pay attention quite well, but whether that's due to the youngish teachers, one of them being a handsome young man, or the titillating subject matter, I do not know. But this is not the point I'm making.
The point is that while preparing for this lesson, and coming up with lots and lots of marriage advice wisdom for girls who are 12-18, I realized how glad I am that I married this kid. We talked a lot about making lists of qualities you want in a husband, and how sometimes in those lessons people tell you to make a list, and then tell you that none of it matters except getting married in the temple.
I happen to disagree with this. Getting married in the temple is immensely important, and I think it should be something you never lose sight of, but there are things which are non-essential to salvation that are still important. For example, I've always known that I would marry someone who would make me laugh, and who would laugh at me, and who would be smart enough to carry on a conversation on many topics. A person without these qualities can still get married in the temple. But it was important to me, so it was important. I learned this concept from a smart friend of mine named Alexandria. If something bothers you, even if every person you know tells you it doesn't matter, they are wrong. Because if it bothers you, it matters. And if it's important to you, it's important.

The other thing we emphasized a lot is time. Take time to get to know each other, take time to date. [Note: If any of you are friends of mine who got married quickly, I do not judge you. Everyone has their own timetable, and mine just happened to be a little more drawn out than the average BYU student. I have no doubt in my mind that people who date for 3 months and then get married will have wonderful and fulfilling marriages. But that's the point I'm making--this is SUCH an individual process, and you have to figure out what works for YOU and YOUR situtation.] The point is that I've never heard anyone express regret that they dated for too long before they got married. And for me, I liked having that year to have Chris as my boyfriend. He's my husband now (and still my boyfriend, I guess, but I'm not going to introduce him as such), and will be for a very long time. Once you get married, that's it--so take the time you need to be dating, and then to be engaged before you go on to the wonder of being married. [Again: Please do not be offended if you are one of those quick marry-ers. You are wonderful and so is your marriage. I just believe that mine would not have been if we had gotten married quicker.]

Getting married is serious business, and if you don't want to hang out with that person for a VERY long time, it should be reconsidered. When I look back on the months of anxiety I had over making this decision, I have to laugh because I can't believe it. I can't believe I almost didn't marry this Chris kid. Because I sure love him a lot. But I'm also glad I took so long to figure things out, because I had a lot of time to be SURE. I took a lot of time to think and pray and decide what I wanted. And when the moment finally came that I KNEW this was what I wanted to do with my life, that was it. I have not again doubted or questioned that this was what I wanted and what I needed.
I realized recently that I was very very vocal about all my reservations in getting married. I think everyone who knows me knows what a crazy time it was in my life. However, I was not quite as vocal about the peace and excitement and relief that I experienced when I finally made the decision and felt so good about it. So here it is, my declaration of knowing I married the right person, in the right place, and at the right time.

(And my goodness it's better than dating!)
Liked your post Erin! If no one else, I read your blog and love hearing the things you type! And I've always agreed with what you said about everyone's on their own timeline with dating. But having said that, I feel like I did exactly opposite of what you did...before Ogg, I dated a lot and often. I did this cause I felt I needed to experience every personality type out there to see what I wanted! I did this for a few years and then my Oggy came along and he was EXACTLY what I wanted! I knew myself and knew that I couldn't let him go. So, we got married pretty quickly (we spent 5 months together every day and then got married...and spent every day together. Haha). I've never regretted getting married quickly but that's only because I was SURE, and I guess that's the key, whether it takes you 3 weeks or 3 years, right? Hmm...too long of a comment? :)
I like when you blog because I'm far away!
I was going to ask you how your lesson went. Glad it was good! And I'm glad you married that Chris kid too! :)
Erin, I hope you keep writing wonderful blogs like this. Your opinions and thoughts are so fun! Isn't it fantastic that we all have our own time-tables? I think yours was perfect for you and Chris. Because you just can't get ready until you know that this person is RIGHT. you gotta KNOW it. :) Nobody else can know it for you. Oh, and i need you to come visit me someday. I'm having a really hard time choosing curtain colors for my house and i want to something I will love and not be afraid and just go with something conservative like I usually do. I love your style, btw.
And had the right dress, right? JK. I just love you guys. I think I say that to myself and Jordan after each time I see either one of you. And I can't wait for you to be a mom so we can be moms together! I want to go on a lot of walks too but lately its been too warm and I think we all know what baby I am about being too warm.
Two things-First off, I love your blog!! It entertains me so much and I feel so much closer to you! Second I love the fabric store next to Michaels, I bought some fabric there for my pillows that I made that now adorn my couch!!! Plus Michaels just warms my soul!! One more thing, so jealous that you work in a Wedding invitation store. Is it the one next to Allyses'?
I love Erin Q. Tanner. You're such a doll and you make me laugh even when you're not around. I'm with Jess. I'm jealous that you get to work at a wedding invite store. It must be so fun. And I'm sure when the time comes you'll love going outside with your children. I've taken Alex to the park a few times since he's had his helmet off (in the summer it was too hot for him to be outside with it on) and he LOVES it and cries when we have to go inside.
I think that you and Chris are perfect for eachother. I remember telling the guys in 310 and 210 and 312 that they should make friends with the chicas in 214. (yes, I remember all of your apartment numbers) I'm glad that they did because I can tell that you're really happy.
And last but not least... I know what you mean about rushing into marriage. If I would have done that I would have been 15! jk. I'm just being dorky.
Erin I love the way you write! You tell your life like a novel that I want to keep reading...maybe you should write a novel. I am glad that you married Chris too and that you and I can alway talk about marriages and dating. Congrats on a good lesson and a better life--I miss you and Chris and him rolling his eyes at every really girlie thing I say! Love the shout out too!
wow. erin everyone seems to love you, your blog, your timetable, and your job.
I second all of the above.
I have to say that I TOTALLY agree about getting married after you really know the person. Because my brother and his wife could not be a more PERFECT match, and they are the family favorite by far! However, they got married like 3 months after they even met. And that first year for them was pretty hard because they were still learning so much about each other.
James and I were friends for 4 months, dated 4 months, and engaged 4 months. turns out that was actually TOO long for us, as you know. haha. but it all ended out well! :o)
oh and i do love your blog and want to come see you at your new job like nikki even though i am not engaged -- i just like looking at those things too.
oh i am sorry. I have more to say.Being a mom IS as magical as you imagine, as long as that's what you choose. You can go on walks. have picnics, etc. Or you can complain about all the diapers, the crying, the mundane messes, etc. As for me, Grace and I play outside EVERYDAY. It's so fun! I choose magical.I love being a mom and you will too when you have a kid.
secondly, I don't know why I blog either. I just like doing it. I talk to my friends fairly often, I see ALL my family almost every week, and my mom every single day.
Well. I don't really have anything original to say. I love 'We got married so now we have a blog'. And let's face it, I am your audience. When you hunker down to write a post I am sure you think, "Now, how can I make Debbie laugh today?" And I really like your whole dating/engagement story. I don't think I have ever heard the whole story. Just tid-bits here and there. HOLY cute! I want to see your house someday.
Erin, I love you. You are such a joyful liver and I love how you convey it in your wonderful blog posts. Seriously, they make me happy and joyful and want to live a better life. I have been feeling down lately because of my silly silly decision to come to Yale and try to get smarter when I just keep feeling dumber and dumber. But I am grateful to be alive. Grateful to have you as my friend. Love ya.
man, i wish i would have commented on this post sooner because everyone else stole what i was going to say.
so that i say "Ditto!"
erin, i love your blog. i don't care all that much what purpose it serves, but i do know that i enjoy it immensely and that it keeps me updated on your life. so even though you live close by your family, there are people like me who aren't so lucky. so keep on blogging! plus, it's basically an online journal, so think how awesome it will be for you to look back on in 15 or 20 years.
p.s. no need to apologize for long comments on my blog. see exhibit a, above. i guess we both just have a lot to say to each other. so keep those long essays coming sister!!
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