(Top row, left to right--you'll figure it out)
1. First name? Erin (what??)
2. Middle name? Tanner
3. Last name? Mecklenburg
4. What are you doing right now? Working
5. Favorite color? Blue
6. Best friend's nickname? First I typed in Chrissy--BAD IDEA. Don't ever do this unless you want to see some semi-porn and be really embarrassed about it. So I figured Christopherson was the one I use second most. (And apparently those deceased Christophersons are Mormon and from Spanish Fork, sorry if that's the grave of anyone's grandparents.)
7. Screen name? I typed in "erinqtan", and it said, "do you mean errington?" and this is what I found. So I suppose this one is sort of fake. But I'm really digging those hats and collars.
8. Age? 22
9. Favorite place? Home
10. Celebrity crush? Still Jake
11. What do you want to be when you grow up? A mom
12. Past love? Baby, Scary, Sporty, Ginger and Posh. They might also be classified as a current love, actually . . .
13. Where were you born? Provo, Utah. Also I still live here. And I think you all know how much I love it.
14. College degree? Art History
15. Place you've visited? Bruges, Bruges, Bruges--I miss you and your quaintness.
16. One word to describe you? Excited
oh what a good idea to group them like that! I hated how freaking LONG mine was.
I love it! I think this is way fun. And guess what? my fave place was HOME too and I so almost picked that picture.
Also, the name BECCA brings up awkward porno too.
HOW cute! I love it. I especially like the picture for excited...haha. And just so you know, the name Debbie just brings up pictures of old middle aged women. Fun. Not. (although I will take the oldies over porn any day)
yeah, Erin brought up a couple of questionable ones, but luckily I found my space gal. But my heavens, Chrisy was a terrible idea.
ps--I feel sort of dumb for putting a comment on my own blog. Debbie, Becca, did you come back and see it? If not, I'm never doing this again.
Your brother Ben Tanner in my gifted science class at Westridge.
erin, your way cute and i love you.
Hey no worries Erin. I have returned. But really, is there some sort of system? Do you comment on their blog or your own in reference to your own post? I don't know. But in any case, cool.
UH, so I just went to publish that comment a second ago and all of a sudden my lappy started talking gibberish to me. Really! It kept going and saying words. Strange. It didn't stop until I pressed the publish button again. WEIRD.
That was fun!
I love that you put the spice girls as a past love. It reminded me of a little experience from our past.So here is a little confession Before the glorious days of c.d. burning I borrowed your Spice World C.D., for weeks, and I mean WEEKS!! And then it broke one day, and I seriously cried and cried because I felt so bad, so my mom took me to go get a new c.d. to give to you! P.S. I still look for those songs on Itunes, there is just something about the girls that I cant seem to get over!
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