Monday, September 8, 2008

Happy birthday Kathleen!

Today my wonderful friend Kathleen is 23 years old.

Here are some reasons why I love Kathleen:

  • She is very funny and also very sincere.
  • She thinks everything else is really funny, and her laugh is amazing.

  • Her laugh has many different stages: the shrieking, the silence, the ha-ha part--it's incredible.

  • When we went to Girls Camp together we used to make a huge bed, dubbed the bed of amazingness, and we had many beautiful memories there together. Lots and LOTS of laughing but also serious conversations.

  • She gave me my fake middle name, which is Quite Exceptional. Maybe some of you didn't even know that the Q in Erin Q. Tanner (Mecklenburg) stood for Quite Exceptional, but it does.

  • We can talk for weeks. Seriously, I think even if we didn't see each other for 25 years, and no longer had anything in common, or whatever, we would sit down and chat with no problems.

  • She is classy and loves the arts, especially the ballet.

  • She is incredibly motivated and driven. If Kathleen makes a goal, she will meet it. If she wants good grades, she will get them. If she wants to lose all her baby weight, she will (and she did, and looks amazing).

  • She married Peter, who is perfect for her and they are one of my fave couples. They go together so well, and I've known since high school that they should and would get married and have a wonderful life together.

  • She has a beautiful little baby named Lucy.

  • She always sets aside a couple of her mom's chocolate chip cookies with candy canes crushed up in them for me during Christmas time because she knows how much I love them.

  • She went with me to an art show and laughed at the bad art a couple of weeks ago and it was very fun.

  • She's one of the only people I can remember who has told me I'm a good listener. I think most people just think I'm a good talker.

  • She is the perfect amount of inappropriate. Kathleen is a very good, nice girl, but she will definitely say things that surprise you and make you laugh REALLY hard.

Happy Birthday Kathleen!

Kathleen is the one in the middle. This is Nickell, Kathleen, and Marisa (friends since junior high) at my wedding. I also really love Nickell and Marisa a LOT, but guess what? Today is Kathleen's birthday and not theirs. I can talk about them later on their birthdays.


Kathleen said...

for the first time in my life I am speechless...thanks, especially the part about the inappropriateness...guilty as charged

Cierra said...

the internet is magic, yes indeed!

(sorry about my comment that does not even relate to this post. but kathleen sounds awesome and i'm sure if i met her, i would love her too. so happy birthday kathleen!)

i am so glad we like each other's husbands even though we have never met them. i figure, if erin tanner married him, he's gotta be awesome.

e.p. said...

first of all, happy birthday, Kathleen. second of all, Erin, I love your blog. It makes me so happy I want to cry. Yes, it is 2:35 in the morning and I should be in bed, but I am not. I am thinking about all the theology I have to read and crying inside. But your blog made me, did I already say it, SO HAPPY! Thank you for being wonderful you.