Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Thanks, girl. Love those red eyes.

Last week I was over at my parents' house helping my mom work on a family history project she's doing. (That made it sound like I'm some awesome family history assistant. I'm not. We're just working on putting together a book about my grandpa. Because he really is awesome.) So we were sitting at the computer, and had finished with the work we were going to do for the evening, so we were just chatting.

My family's cat, Cookie, jumped up on the computer desk, as she always does, because she loves to be right in your bidness, and so she was like right in front of my face. I was petting her, and then eventually she jumped down and went somewhere else. I had cat hair on me, so I got a piece of tape and got it all off my jeans and my shirt.

Then after like 5 minutes, my left eye, and only my left eye, started to itch. I mostly resisted touching it, but I was like, "Man, my eye really hurts." I mentioned a couple of times to my mom that my eye was all itchy, and maybe I became allergic to cats again (I was when I was little). But she never actually looked at me, so she was like, yeah, maybe.

Then we were getting up and I was going to leave, but before I did, I stepped into the bathroom to see if my eye was red. And OH MY GOSH. It was swollen and puffy, and you couldn't see ANY of the whites of my eye, it was all red. I saw it and went, "Mom. Did you ever LOOK at my face?" So she came in the bathroom and looked at me and we both started cracking up. It seriously looked so crazy. That has NEVER happened to me before. Even when I was little, and I was allergic to them, that never happened.

And then I realized my camera was in my purse. Ka-CHING! Disappoingly, however, the pictures are not as bad as it actually looked. Also, I took a picture after I'd put some drops in, so the redness had gone down. So you're not getting the full drama of the situation, but trust me--it was insane. And I've had terrible hay fever my whole life. I've seen some red puffy eyes, and that was the worst they've EVER looked.

This should scare you. Allergy awareness.

And the next morning, it was STILL kind of puffy. 12 hours later. WHAT? It doesn't make any sense.

I'm sure there's some sort of lesson to learn or something like that, but I'm not sure what it was. Maybe that I'm allergic to cats once again? Who knows. All I know is that it was AWESOME.


Emily said...

My nose started itching while reading this post. Also, I like your "reaction" categories.
As for being friends: yes, let's. Expect a call next week.

Becca said...

booooo! I just wrote such a long comment and then my internet went out and i had to start over. so. lame.

I laughed out loud twice while i read this. the first time was when I read "mom did you even LOOK at my face?" and the second was when i read your new reaction options. A-mazing.

James' reaction to MY laughing out loud-ness....he would have clicked "you are really dumb" because seriously, I was laughing a lot about it.

Shelly said...

You are my peep.