Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Husband Hiking

Husband hiking is when you go hiking with your husband. Get it?

A couple of Saturdays ago, we had a day of fun. That's what Chris kept calling it anyway. We had it planned for a couple of weeks, and every once in a while he'd turn to me and say, "I'm SO excited for our day of FUN!!!!" And I'd stoically reply, "Yeah, me too." And by Chris I mean me and by me I mean Chris.

Our day of fun started with a hike in Rock Canyon, where some really good things happened, like finding cool spider webs, and having a Chinese lady and her daughter pass us, then we'd pass them, and vice versa for like 2 hours, gathering leaves and putting them in our (my) hair, and finding a Dharma station. But the best thing that happened (besides eating fruit snacks) was a conversation we overheard.

These 2 guys were talking, and it seemed like they had passed each other on the trail and started chatting. It also sounded like they were in the same major at BYU, and I'm assuming that's why they started talking. One of them mentioned that you don't meet a lot of girls as an engineering major, and the other one said, "Yeah, I've started going salsa dancing every week, I meet some girls there,"
which was amazing because he did NOT seem like the salsa type, if you dig. So we were sort of taking that in and thinking "YES! YES! YES!" while remaining calm passers-by. And then the other guy did him one better and said,
"Well, I deliver flowers for my job, so I meet a lot of girls that way."
Chris had to stop hiking when he heard that and laugh. Because WHAT? First of all, does he have a different idea of meeting girls than most people do? Maybe he literally means MEETING them. Like, "Hi, are you . . . Amber? These are for you. Have a good day." Not to mention the fact that about 99% of girls getting flowers are not exactly available. Awesome. Bless his heart. I bet he can design a bitchin' overpass though.

Anyway, enough of the side stories. The point is, we went hiking. And here come the pics.

We found a hatch. Desmond is inside pushing the button, we're pretty sure.

This was supposed to be a little more like a little girl posing at a portrait studio, but I was being so awkward with the backpack and stuff that it didn't pan out.

This plant had all green leaves and then one bright red one. What a reb.

Chris REALLY loves posing for pictures.

After our hike, we continued our day of fun by going school shopping in Park City. That means that Chris got new school clothes. And Erin got new school clothes too. I don't go to school, but I don't see any reason I shouldn't get new school clothes. It's just not fair, you know?

So we shopped, we had a good time, great deals were to be found--$25 jeans at Gap!--and then we headed over to Ruth's Chris steakhouse at Hotel Park City. Because we're extravagant like that. PSYCH! My parents gave us a gift card to there for Chris's graduation.

When we got there I saw the outdoor seating and obviously requested it.

I don't know what I was thinking to not take pictures of our food. Probably that I was starving and it looked delicious. And oh gosh, it really was so delicious. I had never been there, and when we read in the menu that bring out your steak on a 500 degree plate, still sizzling, in BUTTER, I was a little hesitant. Because butter? With your steak?

But I'm here to tell you, my friends, do not question the wisdom of Ruth's Chris. It was so amazing. My mouth is watering right now remembering it. And that filet was so choice. If you have the means I highly recommend picking one up. And here's the thing about fabulous restaurants--even the ordinary items are fabulous. Our salads were just lettuce, a little bit of cheese, Caesar dressing, and like 3 grape tomatoes, and it was one of the best things I've ever tasted. The potatoes and mushrooms served with the steak were amazing. And the molten chocolate cake? Obviously incredible.

So there you have it. The ingredients for a perfecto day of fun. They must include school clothes, delicious food, and most importantly, NATUUUURE.


Jodi said...

"I bet he can design a bitchin' overpass though." Definitely my favorite sentence you have ever blogged.

Kiley said...

I love husband hiking. And day of fun. And I want a steak so bad right now.

Emily Robinson said...

E.T. you look so skinny in those pictures! You are a skinny pants. Also, thank you for loving Lost.

Aaand, for some reason steak has been haunting me today. It all started at the gym with a Malcolm in the Middle episode centered around steak. Baah!

krebscout said...

Wow, that island really gets around.

Becca said...

I liked that chris was you and you were chris. sometimes I say things like "and then James said 'what in the world were you thinking?" and james turns and says "I never said that." and I realize that's more like what I imagined him saying but what he really did was look at me really weird instead. haha.

looks like a waaay fun day. you guys have too much fun, love it. and also, you are skinny. i keep trying to get motivated to lose weight...and then I look up recipes for dinner to help us eat better and find about 10 great dessert recipes instead. it's a vicious cycle.

Lindsey Leon said...

We ate at Ruh's Chris here in San Diego for Orlando's birthday. FABULOUS, I agree. I too got the filet and my salad was heaven and my plate very hot. Oh dreamy food, I'm starting to crave it again. Wasn't it just marvelous?!

Sara said...

hi. i didnt read it cause i am suppose to be writing some dumb essay on czech republic due tomorrow. but love the pics. hello little skins mcgee. you are so skinny. love ittt. i want to be skinny but i dont want to work for it and work out like you did. hmmmmmmm. lllove you.

Gonzalez Family said...

So I don't know if you will even notice my comment because I think you posted this awhile ago, but I just have to tell you that you look INCREDIBLE! I look at your blog every now and again and always laugh hysterically. I've read about all of your running stories and am so impressed (particularly with the 5k where you peed your pants- awesome). But seriously, a half marathon- WHAT?! Anyway, just wanted to share.