Thursday, July 8, 2010

I do things the best way

I was just thinking about a common accusation people make of one another: "They think the way they do it is the best way."

I've heard this applied to child-rearing, dating length, cooking skills, and a number of other things.

But here's the thing: OF COURSE everyone thinks the way they do things is the best way! Don't you?

And here's the other thing: If you don't think the way you do something is the best way to do it, why are you doing it that way? Why on earth would you think to yourself, "You know, I really think that the best way to make pancakes is homemade. But my neighbors all use Bisquik so I will too." That is ridiculous.

The point is, I think everyone should give everyone else a break for doing the things the way they want. That's not to say I don't get all upset over Chris driving too slow and what have you, I'm just saying that I'm trying to let other people do their own thang. Like say, thang, for example.

And another thing I've been thinking about--blogs.

It seems like every few months or so, everyone starts talking about how everyone just blogs about how their life is so perfect, and no one is real. And then they put up pictures of their "really messy" house and we're supposed to all feel like, "Oh, good. I'm so glad I'm not the only one with problems."

I wholeheartedly admit that I am privy to being blogged out, where I start to think everyone else has a cuter house/body/clothes/funner job/travels more/more romantic husband than I do. However. I do not think the remedy to that lies with the blogs themselves. I don't think that because everyone feels like that we should all start recounting our weirdest hormonal moments where we were really mean. The solution to the problem lies with my own insecurity. It's not your fault that you went to Europe and I'm jealous. It's mine.

So why does everyone feel the need to be so honest? For me, a blog is not the place to do that. A blog is more like a scrapbook than a journal for me, in that lots of people are going to look at it and see it.

Can you imagine if, accompanying the pictures of your 2nd birthday party, your mom wrote something like, "This is Erin right before she blew out the candles! David and I got in a really big fight about those candles because he said we didn't have any money to buy party stuff and I got really mad because I had been planning an adorable party, so I bought them anyway, and then for half an hour before the party started I cried in the bathroom." YIKES.

That's some shiz nobody needs to know. And I think the same thing about blogs. Why should everyone start feeling pressure to air their dirty laundry in public, just because everyone is insecure?

I for one, will NEVER think that my business needs to be on here. I am a fairly open person about most things, and I don't mind telling you all if I do things like . . . . pee my pants (you know, hypothetically). But if Chris and I get in a fight, I'm not going to think, "You know, I want everyone to know my life isn't perfect, so I'm going to blog about this." I don't think that's classy, and I do not plan on doing it.

But really, what is it about blogs that makes everyone feel so crazy? Why does an afternoon of blog surfing make me feel like a have-not? Why doesn't everyone date for a long time before getting married, since that is obviously the best? These are the questions.


Tay said...

I don't know, Erin. Your questions are indeed profound. It's like when you go to a person's house because you just met them and you want to be friends and the place is spotless. And you just left a house that = not spotless in any way. And they have 3-7 kids. And you don't. And they swear it's never like this, but you can't help feeling like it's a complete lie. That's why my house is never spotless when I'm having people over.

Shelly said...

I'm not trying to make myself seem so awesome, but I never have felt inferior to other people because of their blogs. I may have felt a little jealous that they get more comments than me, but I write what I want on my blog and if other people don't want to read or comment then oh well.

I do agree with you about my way is the best way. I think people for the most part are trying to be good and do the best they can. So, why wouldn't they do something that they think is the best way. Or, sometimes, in the example of the pancakes, they just follow what they are used to. If their mom made homemade they will probably make homemade pancakes in the future. So, there really are so many reasons for why we do the things we do. So, yes, I agree, we should give everyone else a break. Also, once you do that I think you will feel more liberated to do what you want to do.

Who knew I had so much to say?

Becca said...

are you talking to me? hmmm? cuz I think you are. haha.

I have actually been thinking about the "best way" kind of a thing a little bit the last couple of weeks. I was planning on blogging about it but have yet to do so. look forward to that...

and also, as far as the blogs go - I like the crazy hormonal stories. and I also like when people gush about their hubs and europe, etc. So I guess I'm just easy to please.

I personally try to be honest in my blog. I don't want to look all perfect - but I want people to know that just because life is NOT's still A-mazing. you know? like I won't be blogging about fights James and I have...I mean what? we never fight, cuz we're perfect....but I am ok admitting that being a mom can be trying. that sometimes single people assume being married is easy and life will be great ONCE they are married. this is only true if you marry someone you love, makes you happy, and you can work things out with. So my purpose of my blog is to be honest about both the great things in life, and the maybe not-so-great things in life.

that was SO long. I'm glad I finally figured out what my blog is all about. HAHAHA.

Erin said...

Well, Becca, that's the other thing I meant to say but did not. Is to do what you want. If you feel comfortable telling everyone everything about your life--which you denifitely do--then do it.

But it seems like people feel pressure to over share just to make the point that they're not trying to make their lives look perfect. And I'm not into that. If that's how you are, and what you want to do, then that's one thing. But if you feel like you have to prove yourself, then I'm bugged.

Amanda said...

I use Bisquick, and I'm proud of it. I do what I want!

Emily Hope said...

I really totally agree. I hate that I feel guilty putting pictures of Henri on my own blog! It isn't my fault that I actually do have the cutest kid ever. (Yes, I really do think that.) I then also feel like I need to blog about other stuff... but, let's face it- Henri is my life right now and I am going to put more pictures up! (Thanks for commenting on them!!)
On another note: I don't think I am going to reach my goal of a half marathon... for one, I have been slacking and for another my foot has been hurting. But I WILL run a 10K, so don't let me get out of that one!

deb-bot said...

I didn't wear a bra to walmart, and I am okay with that.

And I like you.

And my fetus is the best.

Do I win?

Valerie Russell said...

Erin, you put things so well, your blog is hilarious to read. I think that sometimes people forget that loads of people are going to see what they put on their blog, or facebook. Just consider your audience, that's all I'm saying.

I for one am kind of a private person and I don't treat my blog like a journal. So I hope I won't be judged as trying to look perfect because I don't want to share personal stories with the internet :)

Andrea said...

You make very valid points my friend. Very valid indeed. I definitely get in a blog funk, and I feel like it has to be all or nothing with them. That is why I go through phases of blogging and non blogging. I do want to do it for me to look back on and remember stuff, but I agree. A blog is not a journal, unless only you (and possibly your husband) can see it.

Jodi said...

I like it when people are honest in their blogs but only to an extent. Like if they got in a fight with their husband or something and they blog about it then it's weird, but if they have a certain frustration or trial in their life and they are honest (and tasteful about how they say it) then I think it's good for them and maybe some of their readers can identify with them.

I feel like maybe people are starting to be more honest so that they don't turn into TAMNers. Even though she is perfect and everyone loves her.

Anyway, I love your blog, it's always so thought provoking.

Kathleen said...

well personally I think it's best to date for approx. 3 days post-mish :)... j/k I agree to the airing of the dirty laundry. I don't even write about little squables in my journal, cause guess what? They are not worth remembering. I agree on the insecure issue as well. It's like if you are pregnant and eat more treats then you should and yell at your hubby all the time, and then go spend money you don't have on clothes you shouldn't get for the baby from baby gap then you can blog about it and everyone comments and says "oh amen sistah!" and then you feel rationalized in doing it. But guess what? You felt bad about it cause you shouldn't have done it. SO whether other people say it's "normal" or's still not ok. I get bugged when people tell bad stories hoping for others to say that it's ok that they made a bad choice. Anyway...soap box. Good point. I agree. Let's all blog to keep in touch and have a scrapbook... not a crapbook. :)

Suzana said...

I talked to a friend recently who quit her blog after having it for a few years. I asked her why and she said "Do you ever look at people's blogs and see all the stuff they're doing and the things they have and think 'I wish I had/were doing that!'?" I could see where she's coming from, but that's not really what I think about when I read other people's blogs or when I post on mine. I thought she was a big person for recognizing that she was doing it for the wrong reasons and stopping it before it got out of hand. And it made me wonder how many other people feel the same way. Our life is most certainly not perfect, but why on earth would I want to let everyone know about our fights, money problems, family issues, etc.? It's none of their freakin' business!

You nailed it spot on. If I feel jealous or angry when reading about someone else's "perfect" life, it's not their fault, it's mine. Why do so many of us find the need to compare ourselves either by putting ourselves above or below other people? There will ALWAYS be people whose lives are better and worse than mine, and comparing myself will either make me prideful or feel like crap, so why not just be grateful for what I have and be happy for other people's successes?

Too long of a comment, but I am in complete agreement with you, and think your opinions are quite valid.

Let's do lunch so you can meet Molly and we can continue pondering the universe of blogging.