Tuesday, January 5, 2010

About running. Kind of.

Yesterday I listened to a talk by President Monson as I got ready for work. Lest you think I am just starting my day righteously all the time, I am not. But the night before we went to bed uncommonly early, around 10:45, thus making it no problem for me to get up at 7:09, eat some Oatmeal Crisp, then hop in the shower.

But before I hopped in the shower I eyed my ipod, which is typically in the bathroom, resting on its laurels (which are speakers). So I turned on a talk by President Monson which I knew I had on there. It’s called Decisions Determine Destiny, and I believe it’s from a CES fireside some years ago. Anyway, as you can glean from the title, it’s about making good decisions in your life if you want good things. And I was thinking, “Yeah, we went to bed early last night, and now I’m not tired!” Good decision.

All through the day I kept thinking about that concept of the decisions you make affecting your destiny. Of course that’s true, and I’ve always known that, but I thought about it yesterday more than I ever had.

As I left work to run home—which is also a good decision, by the way, it’s just getting cool, but it’s not cold, and it’s not dark, and I only live like a mile from work, so it’s not too long—I started thinking about the decision to work out. I think you all know I’m trying to lose weight, and I thought about my body shrinking with each pounding step. I was southward bound on University Avenue, and I thought the sky to the South was looking pretty, but the West was blocked by Jamestown Square, so I had no idea what was in store there. Then my phone rang. It was my mom. She said, “I’m just making sure you’re looking at Timp!” So I whirled myself around to get a look at it. Good decision.

Now, I hope all you Provonians and Utah Valleyians looked at our beautiful mountain last night around 5:15 as well. I have seen that mountain every day of my life, but I truly don’t think it has ever looked that spectacular before. I stopped running for a while just to look at it, and when I continued I kept looking over my shoulder to watch how the sunset evolved on the snowy face of Timpanogos. It was completely bathed in pinks and oranges, it was really the most beautiful thing I’ve seen in a long time.

As my run progressed, and the buildings to the west of me disappeared, I could see across to the lake and see the sunset there too. Again, and I am a sunset lover, but that was the most amazing sky I have seen in a LONG time. It was streaks of pink and orange and red that eventually faded to purples and lighter pinks. And as I looked around at this incredible place that I live in, I thought, “Yes, decisions do determine destiny. But sometimes Heavenly Father gives us something amazing just because He loves us.” And that is how yesterday became one of the greatest runs I have ever been on, and an excellent way to start the New Year.

And after all that, I may or may not have made cookies last night. Bad decision.


Becca said...

erin cookies are always a good decision. :o)

I too saw the lovely sky last night. James and I were on our way out to dinner - just the two of us - and I remember thinking, wow, I haven't noticed the sky lately. maybe it's because I don't have crying kids with me to distract my attention - but i realized that wasn't true either because in the car, I always look out the windows and I always notice things around me. it was just a profoundly beautiful sky. and I thought I would be fine if all we did was drive around so we could keep looking at the sky.

each decision does determine destiny. and god gives us nice things because he loves us. but we still have to decide to appreciate those things. good decision.

Shelly said...

Maybe it's because of the inversion. . .

Suzana said...

i missed the sky last night, but i'm glad you wrote about it. you are a really good writer, by the way. and you should keep it up. seriously. sometimes i get on someone's blog and when i see more than 2 paragraphs, i just look for pictures and skip the writing. but when i get on yours, i'm excited because i know i'm in for a good read. so thanks! and keep blogging!