As I think you all know, I work for as an assistant to a financial planner who also happens to be my big poppy.
One of the most important duties at my job is to do reports for his clients. We have an elaborate spreadsheet system in Quattro Pro that tracks each account, its current value, its performance, etc. etc. They're quite ingenious, actually, and interesting to work with.
When someone opens a new account, I have to do things to add it to the report. Each new account takes about 5-10 minutes of work to add to the report.
Today I am working on a report in which the client has 23 new accounts. So I worked for well over an hour getting them all added to the existing report. I had put in cash flows, made sure the formulas were correct for calculating percentages, and all other manner of fancy footwork.
I was so focused on my work, in fact, that I did not bother to hit Ctrl+S for a long, long, long time.
But Quattro wanted to teach me a lesson.
So, for no reason at all, a fun little message came up. You know the one. The one that forces you to click "End Now."
And I may or may not have sat at my desk, staring at my computer screen, and cried actual tears.
OMG that is terrible. a good lesson to be taught, but c'mon. couldn't you have been taught that lesson with a silly e-mail or something instead of good hard work? Sorry to hear about that Erin. And please note that I have not forgotten you despite your private-ness.
are you going to casidy's soup party thingy on halloween? We are. hope to see you there.
oh, i am so so sorry. that is one of those times when you just want to chuck the computer out the window because technology sucks (just for that moment). i hope it never happens to you ever again!
I love you so much and I am so proud of all the work that you do. I don't think that I would have cried but I think I would have stared at that end now prompt and tried to some how get around it (which as we borth know is fruit less) I think that inside compouter the circuits chant "I want to kill everyone satan is good satan is our pal". I most of the time hate technology as you know so maybee I am biased. But I am preety sure if you listen close enough that is what that humming noise is that comes from computers all the time.
Oh my gosh. That is so crappy.
Oh dear. That happened to me recently too. It was a picture I was working on for a homework assignment and had been up until 2 in the morning working on, and then my computer just.....turned off. Everything lost, had to start over, definitely cried!
i'm obsessed with your life.
so when you cry, i cry.
tears are on my face.
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