The first was Saturday morning. Chris and I were wandering out onto the porch fairly early, so it was still very cold. The sprinklers were on in the pasture and we could see something strange.
But, indeed it was a big circle of ice. Isn't that cool? I'd never seen that happen before, and I loved it.
In this pasture lives a horse named Princess. She belongs to our next door neighbors down there, they keep her in our pasture. She's the only horse in the pasture and she gets sort of lonely. So on Sunday Chris and I ventured out to visit her with an apple in hand. We fed her the apple, pet her a little bit, then were just standing next to her talking, when she lunged forward and BIT Chris on the arm! We were so shocked we didn't know what to do. We just walked away and kept saying, "What?" "WHAT?!" It was nuts. I have never seen a horse bite someone even on accident, let alone on purpose. And I'm not a horse expert by any means, but I've spent quite a bit of time around them, and to me this was unprecedented.
Luckily the poor guy was wearing a thick jacket, because heaven knows what this would look like if he was only in a t-shirt.
My mom was ticked. The first thing she said was, "I hope you yelled at her and smacked her!" I should have known to do that, but I seriously had no idea how to react because I've never seen it before. I'm less of a wrangler than my mom is. You should see that cowgirl go.
So anyway, obviously we had to take pictures once we got inside.

And I hope Chrissy will forgive me that this one includes his armpit hair, and that I'm putting it on the internet. Love you, Chris.

And I hope Chrissy will forgive me that this one includes his armpit hair, and that I'm putting it on the internet. Love you, Chris.
Does anyone else have a horse bite story? I would love to hear it, because this was a first for me.
I forgot to mention how brave and impressive Chris is. I would have been knocked down and started crying, but he just said, "ow!" and held his arm for a minute. He was really really really tough. Just wanted to make sure that was clear.
Wow. I have never seen either of those things. Crazy. I'm sitting here saying "What?!!?" just like you were. Is he ok? Oh and I can totally visualize your mom as a cowgirl, and I like that image. Kind of a lot.
horse story: no bites. But I went horseback riding in junior high. My friend assured me her horse was fantastic and great, etc. I had ridden before and horses were my fave, so no big deal. Until I saw the thing. HE WAS MASSIVE. He was the biggest horse I had ever seen. and by HE I mean SHE, because as I was riding, she kept disobeying and was acting all crazy and then bucked!!! I didn't fall off but I cried. Come to find out...she was in heat. Never seen a horse in heat before, and never since. But if that is what they're like, the male humans can just stop complaining. PMS on a horse is the scariest thing I've ever seen.
I was bitten by a horse once, but it was my fault, not hers. I was feeding it from the palm of my hand and didn't have it stretched out like I should have and it got the fleshy part between the base of my fingers and my palm. Ouch, it hurt! But that is WAY weird that it lunged and attacked! email is Can't remember if I gave it to you or not.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I love this post. I mean, I feel bad for Chris but it sounds hilarious. I can't believe that. I've never heard of that happening. Ever. Love you. - Sara
Ok so in Idaho that ice thing happens all the time. It's kind of the coolest when it happens in a farm field with those huge wagon wheel looking sprinklers! Also when it is also including a fence or a tree and it's all iced over and no where else is. Sweet stuff!! Also poor Chris. I would cry. Plus I loved the Finding Nemo reference in the title. Plus again, this in Nickell.
What the? It bit, like, his armpit. She had to be aiming. What a crazy. One time I was bit by a goat. Yep, a goat. Bit my hand to the point of bloodiness. I was young and being babysat, so it was pretty scary.
"WHAT??" is right! That is plain craziness. I am glad you took armpit hair pictures to prove that this happened. But I am sorry Chris was injured at the expense of my entertainment.
Maybe the horse was a picky one and only eats Gala apples. Or maybe it favors Granny Smith?
Just the other day i was surprised by my neighbours - they got a stallion. A big, bay beautiful boy : naturally, my mares were smitten. So much so that one of them got her front legs stuck in the fence trying to visit. While i got her out, her boyfriend snuck up, leaned over the fence and bit my back on the fleshy place near the armpit. i calmly got my girl out of the fence and promptly slapped him upside the head, calling him every profanity possible. He looked quite pleased with himself and my girls are all still in love.
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