*Last night I was at the grocery store, and it was cloudy, and when I came outside I saw a flash of light, and got really excited for the lightning. Then I realized it was some boys taking pictures of each other doing sweet stuff on their skateboards. With a tripod and everything, it was legit.
*Fall is amazing. If you live in Utah, you need to go to the mountains as soon as possible. Do you hear me? The leaves will all be gone soon, and then you'll be sorry you didn't heed my words. GO.
*This guy was just minding his own business at the 911 dispatch, answered a call, and his house blew up. Read it.
*Running is hard. Especially if you haven't done it in a couple of months. Distances that were no big deal earlier in the year will make your legs throb and you lungs gasp for air. It's true.
*The pope and the spider. I REALLY loved this.
*Today I am wearing my first tights of the season. They are purple. AND it's raining, so I got to use my umbrella. AND I'm wearing a headband. Could my day be any better? No. The answer is no.
*Speaking of my umbrella, I think some of you probably remember this. But I don't think I ever credited my cutie Chris with the return of the red polka dot ruffle umbrella. He got me an exact replacement for Christmas last year! And I adore it even more than the first one. I really do.
*I need to go to rehab. I am a junkie for this stuff. For real. I NEED it.
*The war is over. The phone book woman finally called when Mary was actually in the office. But I was victorious, my friends. I put her on hold, verified with Mary that they were not interested in being published in that particular phone book, and told her so. A part of me is sad, honestly. It was really fun to see her number on the Caller ID and know who was calling. She was a fighter. But I knocked her out in the end.
*It makes me feel very pompous to link to my own blog so much in one postage.
So I was thinking this dispatcher had like a wife and kids at home, he has been working for the police dept for 11 years. But then he's like, oh I hope my parents are okay. He lives with his parents still? A little weird, but sad nonetheless. The pope think, oh my goodness. It gave me the heebigeebies! Also, Blistex knows exactly what they are doing to your lips and your brain. Why do you think they are so successful with a stick of wax?
I'm going to get back into some tights. And I'll be honest, I was a teeny bit sad that those purple tights used to be mine. But, I really don't think that I'll wear them, but I'm going to give tights another chance. Did you see those mustard-y colored ones at gap? I want them.
So, yeah. But I don't want you to feel bad that I gave all of my amazing tights to you, because I'm not sure that I will wear them, and if I give them a try and I do wear them then I can buy new ones because Jordan likes it when I wear tights, and he'll be down.
i enjoy your random thoughts. keep em comin.
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