Last night I attended Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince at 12:07 am.
The movie was both excellent and disappointing. I really enjoyed most of it, but there were parts of the book I think are quite important that were changed or left out, so I wasn't as into that. Plus, it always makes you more cynical when you've read the book recently, I think, and I re-read it last week so I could remember everything before the movie.
The point is, this morning I've been thinking, why do we do these things to ourselves for movies? The movie ended at 2:50 am. I work at 8:00. Today I will work for twice as many hours as I slept last night. That is ridiculous.
Almost as ridiculous as taking instructions from a book when you don't know the source . . . .
ADDENDUM: I just re-read this and realized that it might sound like I regret waiting in line with my friends for several hours and then watching a highly entertaining movie in the middle of the night. This is not so. I had a lot of fun and would 100% do it again. I'm just really tired.
oh wow. that's why we opted for the 7:30 show on friday night. i'm excited to see it, but i'll keep my expectations a bit lower so as not to be disappointed. :) good luck at work, and try to stay awake!
I'm going tomorrow. Finally! I wish I was there to see it with you.
i just emailed you to ask you how it was, but here is my answer right on your blog. yeah, the books are usually better, that's for sure.
you are a party animal, that's why you did it!
I wish I could have stood in line with all of you to see HP6! But I am feelin too old for midnight showings so we are going to the 7:30pm one!
You better not regret it. I am tired, but hold not regret.
I used to L.O.V.E harry potter. then I married James. and he doesn't love it, but he doesn't hate it either...just nuetral. then I took too long to read the last book before I knew the whole story from my family, so I never finished it.
since then...I feel no love. somehow it died.
I'm like that too. It always sounds so fun, then when I'm doing it, or really tired the next day I think "Was that really worth it?" and the answer is always yes. Especially when you give it a few days.
And I'm really sad that we couldn't go see it with you. But I have a baby and you don't. So there.
Thanks for texting me to check up on how I was faring today after our crazy night/morning together. I actually did okay. I, however, did NOT have to be at work at 8 though, so I guess I should have been texting you to see how you were. I don't regret it though. And thanks for scratching my back when I got sleepy.
I should've come, since I was up all that night sweating in a hot tent.
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