Monday, July 13, 2009

Birthday Chris

Yes, Chris's birthday was in March. But this is my blog and I'll blog when I want to. I just thought the cake was really cute. I seriously took like 30 pictures of it because I liked it so much and also because I wanted a good pic of it.

I was into the cupcakes as well. It took me quite a while to get the frosting to be all those colors.

Happy birthday. Cute.


Becca said...

cute? AMAZING. I love it, I think it's really cute. Way to go. Where did you get those candles? James' birthday is next week, so I need to get prepared...I just remembered about it! GAH!

Cierra said...

yes, you are a blogger "of the same cloth" as me...blogging about events that happened months ago. way to go!

those candles are the bomb diggity! so cute!