I think you all know how much I love the great state of Utah. With all of my heart, I truly do. So why, why, does it sometimes do things that make us look weird? The rest of everywhere is already a little weirded out by Mormonism. So why do things like this need to happen?
Really? Is there really, seriously, a corn maze immortalizing David Archuleta? I would give anything to know how it all went down in some meeting. "Well, guys, what should we do for the corn maze this year? We could do a pumpkin, or a ghost, or maybe just a maze, since that's what it is." Then one guy goes, "Well, actually, I was thinking maybe we could have it be a picture of a 17 year old American Idol contestant holding a microphone. And it could say 'Utah's Idol'--a play on the name of the show--at the bottom, and 'Archuleta 4 President' at the top. You know, because it's an election year. It's funny." Then they all threw out their other ideas and cheered. And really made one. And all I can say is wow.
And I bet Carmen Rasmussen is not happy.
Thank you for helping me by filling out that survey!! I really appreciate it, and I may have you come do a focus group on Saturday morning at 9, on campus. Only if you can, it would not be more than an hour, and we will be providing breakfast. I only know Monica a little bit, but their campaign that they did last year was AMAZING!!! I love you! I am so grateful for your help!~!!
This is too incredible for words. Unless they are your words, then they are witty and fun to read!
From what I understand, they wanted to do Obama or McCain because it's an election year. But then they realized that no one wanted either. So they went with David instead.
I really like how one of the comments on that article says something like, "He deserves this"... yeah, it's good.
i love that we think the same way. anytime i see a weird commercial or advertisement, i always think to myself "did a group of people in suits actually sit down together at some long table in a flashy office and agree on THAT??" it boggles my mind.
but don't worry, i won't hold the archuleta thing against you... or utah for that matter.
Really. They did this. What the? When I saw it on the news (which is a whole other topic to laugh at) I just gaped in horror. My favorite part is the: Archuleta 4 president (because using 4 is trendy and stuff). OH BOY.
I didn't even know he was from Utah. You girl you david you, you go girl.
they could have just done a regular maze and had archuleta dress up all scary like and jump out at people and sing to them. that would have been better.
I am glad we are friends. I SO thought the same thing when I saw that! I got a Thanksgiving Point newsletter and saw it on there. I cut it out and put it on my fridge because I thought it was so laughable and ridiculous.
I want to die. That is embarrassing to be a Utahn at this moment. I wonder if David Cook has his own corn maze face too;
This is freaking hilarious!
Pretty sure Carmen Rasmussen is having a hissy right now.
Poor Carmen. Never getting enough attention to be satisfied.
I thought just about the same thing when I saw a billboard for this maze. Who let this happen?
That's really the biggest question, and the thing that intrigues me the most.
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