Saturday, September 6, 2008

Ryan Jeffrey Harris

As mentioned earlier, my dear dear friends Andrea and Jordan are now parents! So I am now an aunt! Sadly, a couple of the "aunts" are far far away in Georgia and Colorado, so I told them I'd put pictures on here so they could see the wee bairn. He is VERY cute!

Someday, Erin . . . .

And on two unrelated notes:
(his hair is WAY amazing, though I don't know if this picture does it justice.)

And I love the mountains. If you look closely, up at the top, the leaves are starting to turn! This means FALL, my most favorite things in the entire world!


Amanda said...

It's FALL! :)

And he is so cute! I wish I could be there!! He has so much hair! Even more than David has now, and he's 7 months old!!

alexandria said...

He is so cute! I love him so much! Thanks for taking the pix for us "aunts" that cant be there!!

Becca said...

Ok, that cute girl looks AMAZING for just having a baby! Way to go to her!

and yes, fall is exciting news. I loved dressing Grace in summer dresses, but I just bought her first pair of blue jeans, and I think I will die she looks so cute in them. I can't wait to get her some cute hoodies, sweatshirts, striped long sleeved shirts, leggings to go with her dresses, etc. I love to doll up my beautiful little girl! YAY FOR FALL FASHION FOR BABIES!

Cierra said...

i see someone has deleted their own comment...i swear it wasn't me this time.

wow!! andrea had a baby! how exciting...congrats to her!

p.s. i tried to enlarge that biker picture to revel in all of its gloriousness, but it wouldn't allow me to. such a tease.