Today was the best day. And the reasons are sixfold. (and in no particular order at all)
1. I wore a great outift that is also new. It consisted of this incredible shirt (except mine is gray and not black)
paired with this magical skirt that almost makes me cry I love it so much.
2. While wearing this great outfit, I got a call for a job interview at the wedding invitation store. And I was wearing the perfect job interview outfit! I had the interview today, and I'm pretty sure that woman loved me.
I find out tomorrow if I got the job, and I'm really hoping it works out, because how much do I love weddings and wedding announcements? The answer is quite a bit.
(this picture is from Google images, it's not mine or anyone I know's. If anyone was wondering. Which you weren't, because my name is Erin and not Rheese or whatever that says)
3. My favorite peeps Andrea and Jordan had a little baby! Well, Andrea HAD the baby . . . you all know how it goes down. It made my whole day exciting, because I heard in the morning that she was at the hospital, and then got the word in the evening that he had been born!
He is a boy and he weighed 8 pounds and 7 ounces and was 21 inches long. However, I do not yet know his name because he was born just a couple of hours ago and I think right now his mom is too tired to call me and tell me (which is perfectly acceptable, Ann). I wish I had a picture of said newborn, but since I don't, I'll put one up of his mom from her Freshman year at BYU. Isn't she beautiful?
And here is his daddy, lookin hawt on a trip to Zion National Park the week after he graduated from high school.
p.s. I seriously just realized AFTER I put on the pictures, that they are making the same face. For crying out loud. What a perfect couple.
4. My beautiful friend Bren Jackson got home from her mission to the Netherlands YESTERDAY, and I was so lucky, I ran into her today at BYU! It was so exciting, we ran toward each other and laughed and hugged and I was just so happy to see her. Plus she said she's going to add Nineteenth Century European Art to her schedule, which made my day because then we will have a class together too! Just like the old days before she went on her mission.
p.s. I seriously just realized AFTER I put on the pictures, that they are making the same face. For crying out loud. What a perfect couple.
4. My beautiful friend Bren Jackson got home from her mission to the Netherlands YESTERDAY, and I was so lucky, I ran into her today at BYU! It was so exciting, we ran toward each other and laughed and hugged and I was just so happy to see her. Plus she said she's going to add Nineteenth Century European Art to her schedule, which made my day because then we will have a class together too! Just like the old days before she went on her mission.
Sort of like this picture from our graduation, also from the old days. I couldn't find any recent ones, so I had to make do with cropping Steve and Eli out of this one and just showing you cute Bren. I do love her.
5. I got to eat lunch on campus with my favorite friend, Mr. Christopher Adam Mecklenburg. He is also my husband. I love to see him during the day, because usually I don't get to, so it is very fun. We laughed and had fun and hugged and we were even a sicky BYU couple and kissed by the Benson building before he left for class, and I didn't even care. Because we are in love, ok? Here's a pic of us being in love, just because pictures make this whole thing more interesting.
But sorry I gave so much commentary about each picture. That probably ruined it a bit, but whatevs.
But since I am being a commentary girl, I'll give it for this one too. This picture is from Temple Square a couple of years ago, and courtesy of Shelly, who said, "Guys, go kiss in front of those lights and we'll see how it turns out with no flash." And it was a good idea because we look flaming hot.
6. I made a Pollock-esque baby onesie for my friend Jessie's baby shower. I took a picture of it, but alas, my camera cord is still lost. I may add it to this post later. But let me assure you, it was amazing. I wrote I (heart) JP on it, then Chris and I got out the Rit dye and flung it onto the onesie. I highly recommend this activity. Here's a Pollock painting since I have no picture of my creation. This one is Lavender Mist.
And if you don't think Jackson Pollock is awesome, don't tell me because I might stop thinking you're awesome. And then go read about him on wikipedia and find out how awesome he is.
I hope all of you had fabulous days too. I certainly did.
This might be my favorite post ever. Thanks for choosing such great pics of Jordan and I. AND i LOVE your new outfit!
you are such a fashionista. i wish i had a sassy outfit like that!
and yes, you would be the PERFECT wedding invitation-worker-girl. i can just picture it.
p.s. cute kissing picture of you and chris!
You are amazing and I'm sad I didn't get to see you one more time before I left. I'm in Taiwan. Did you know?
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